Fighting zebra finches

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Fighting zebra finches

Post by Cherrybakewell » Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:05 am

Hi there,

I'm hoping someone will be able to help me here!

I had two zebra finches (one male and one female) but sadly, my poor little lady died. I didn't want the male to get lonely and didn't want lots of eggs (from past experience I know how much strain it puts on females) so bought another male. Unfortunately, they didn't see eye to eye and would often get into little fights. Feeling guilty that they were missing out on female company, we introduced another two female birds to the cage to calm them down.... This has worsened the problem! :shock:

They have formed little groups (1male and 1female in both) and the dominant two 'bully' the others. They're constantly fighting eachother, trying to show dominance etc and I'm really worried I'll come home from work and it has gone too far!

My boyfriend wants to introduce more zebra finches (possibly one or two more females) but I'm worried it's going to make it even worse. Does anyone have any similar past experiences where this has helped? Or any other advice? Of course, there is separating them but this will mean they can never be put back together.... And the dreaded 'catching' them! ( I never handle them, they are quite content in their huge cage).

Any help would be appreciated!
Claire x

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Re: Fighting zebra finches

Post by lovezebs » Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:57 am


Hi Claire.

Zebras will be Zebras, lol.

Actually, your boyfriend, has the right idea :-).
Two pair of birds, will often lead to problems. Three pairs, is a much better idea.

However, Zebras being Zebras, you will get squabbling, until everybody figures out the pecking order.

You mentioned a huge cage. If it is large enough, I would create little corners and nooks of privacy, using lots of fake plants (ivy's , flowers, and such from your nearest $ store). This way, each pair, can claim their own little territory and be happy with their patch of paradise.

If you don't want eggs etc. don't give them nests (or take them out, if they are already in there). Your birds, can sleep just fine on a perch, and nests, bring out all sorts of hormonal aggressive behaviours, plus eggs and babies of course.

Also make sure you have more food and water dishes than birds, so that there is no need to compete over those.

So off to the Pet Shop you go, lol. I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning :-D :-D :-D

Good luck :-).

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Re: Fighting zebra finches

Post by Cherrybakewell » Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:29 pm

Hi Elana,

Thank you so much for your reply! This is very useful! I'll be sure to create some little havens for both groups to get privacy :o

How many extra birds would you say is best - one or two? And would you say both females? My thoughts were if there's more females there will be less Aggressive behaviour..? I'M a bit apprenhensive about expanding our zebbie family because I'm not a breeder and have never had more than a pair so this is all new to me! Having said that I hate the thought of the two constantly being bullied.

Thanks again

Claire x

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Re: Fighting zebra finches

Post by lovezebs » Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:21 pm


Hi Claire.

I would go with another pair (male and female). Three pairs, are a good number generally.

I would not go with two females, as they will try to steal the males from your other pairs, and then you'll have the girls out to kill each other (Zebra females, can get as aggressive as the males, sometimes even more so).

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Re: Fighting zebra finches

Post by Sojourner » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:11 pm

I keep seeing suggestions to use fake plants in the bird cage - but my question is, how on earth do you keep them clean? Even plants made of 100% plastic, it seems to me, would be a hygiene nightmare ... what's the solution?
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Re: Fighting zebra finches

Post by Alley » Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:00 am

How big is your cage? Without enough space they will become aggressive.
If you have the proper size of cage I do agree with what everyone else is saying about 3 pairs.
Hope it all works out :)
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