found baby finch

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found baby finch

Post by Temera » Sun Oct 08, 2006 2:56 am

Found a baby finch on the ground under the sacks of thistle my mom has out in her yard. It can't fly and seems to lean to one side and keeps eyes closed what should I do???

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Post by tammieb » Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:58 am

Often people will find fledglings (chicks that have just left the nest), on the ground and assume they aren't being cared for. When in fact, the parents are feeding the chick.

I am a bit concerned that it was under the sacks, but it may have just found a safe place to hide. Or perhaps the chick is old enough to have been eating thistle that had fallen out of the sack??

If the chick is injured or ill your chances of saving it are slim. If you wish to try, place it in a shoe box with a small reading lamp at one end, to provide warmth. Do this before trying to feed the chick, as it won't eat if it is chilled. Keep the light on 24/7, but be careful you don't cook it! Also, provide a small dish of water. Feeding the chick is a bit tricky. Hopefully the heat will perk it up and it will be able to eat some seed or boiled/mashed up chicken egg on its own. If not, then you will have to decide if you want to try to hand feed it. I have no experience doing this so can't help you with that process.

Good luck!

Use the talents you possess - for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except for the best. ~Henry Van Dyke~

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