Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

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Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by Emberrhine » Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:53 pm

Good afternoon to the Finch Forum community,

I have a finch-parrot relationship issue that I was wondering if you have any advice on:

My two lovely shaft-tails, Whitey and Octavian, have their cage in my spacious, sunny bedroom...and so do my two lovely cockatiels, Nathaniel and Chanterelle. Every day I let Nate and Chanty out of their cage for at least an hour of free-flight playtime. (Thus, for most of the day, the parrots are in their cage.)

When out of the cage, the 'tiels are usually content to do their own thing--flap over to land on my head, go up to the curtains, have fun on their playstand, etc. They are also quite fond of clambering over and atop their own cage.

Unfortunately, however, they also have recently taken a liking to landing on the finches' cage. At first they were wary of it and didn't go near it, but now they quite enjoy walking all along the top of it, landing next to it, climbing on the sides of it, and even trying to pull attractive things like millet and fake plants out from inside of it. Of course, these activities never last for long, because as soon as I notice the parrots are on the finch cage, I come over to stop the activity and shoo them off.

Bless their hearts, the finches don't seem afraid of Nate and Chanty at all, even if the parrots land on the bars right near where the shaft-tails are feeding or perching. The finches just keep on eating and behaving normally. And the parrots don't seem interested in the finches themselves--they like the height of the cage and the fun stuff hidden inside of it. So, the finches are not in immediate danger, and they don't appear to feel threatened by their larger neighbors, but I still don't want the 'tiels to think they can take the finches' food or chew on their plants and toys.

I feel so bad about having to shoo my cockatiels away from the cage, as I feel it is damaging my relationship with them. I don't want them to think that me getting up and walking towards them is a threat--I want them to be calm and happy when I approach. But I don't want them to scare my shaft-tails, either...And I don't want to frighten the finches, myself, by coming over to shoo the 'tiels.

I'm not sure what the best plan of action is, here. I don't want to get rid of any of my birds, of course, and right now my room is the only place where it is convenient to keep them, so I can't really move the finch cage elsewhere. I don't know what to do--how to discourage the parrots from coming over to the finch cage? I feel like this could really confuse them, since the things they like doing with the finch cage--trying to get seed and toys, climbing on the bars--are things they do, and are allowed to do, when they're not on the finch cage.

I understand that this is mainly a parrot behavior issue, and not directly a finch problem, but it does result from having my finches' best interests at heart. I repeat: Not once have the finches shown any sign of being wary of the cockatiels since becoming used to my bedroom in general. They previously lived in a situation where two big, loud and rowdy magpies were their cage-neighbors. The worry that they could become frightened by the parrots is all on my part. If the finches seemed in any way traumatized by the parrots, I'd have no choice but to move the finch cage, which would require a good deal of re-arranging things and coming to agreement with other family members. But I'd do it if they were certainly afraid or in danger.

I want to allow my cockatiels to come out and have fun, and not to become afraid of me, but how can I stop them from messing around with that finch cage? I see a couple of possibilities:

1. Let the cockatiels go on top of the finch cage, so long as the finches seem unaffected, but gently come over to coax the parrots off if they start to climb on the sides or pull at the objects inside.

2. Put something on top of the finch cage to dissuade the parrots--but what could I put up there?

3. Move one of the cages to another room. The quickest fix, but the least practical in my household.

4. Continue to shoo the parrots from the cage whenever they flap over to it, which is also not very practical. It scares the parrots, ruins our bond, makes us all angry, might get the finches scared, doesn't lead to any change in the behavior, and is annoying because I have to keep getting up to do the shooing.

5. Take all of the food and toys out of the finch cage when the cockatiels are out. This is not practical, either. It would be an unnecessary disruption to the finches, first of all, and it wouldn't take away the parrots' favorite aspect of the finch cage: Landing on top of it and climbing on the bars.

6. Not let the cockatiels out of the cage. Well, this probably isn't going to happen--I want my parrots to have fun with me and get their exercise.

7. Clip the cockatiels' wings. I really don't want to do this, since the room is big and bird-safe and the parrots fly well. It is a great joy to them, and gives them great exercise. I don't believe in clipping a bird's wings unless it is a temporary measure while they get used to a new environment, or is otherwise required for their safety. Plus, the finch cage is right near the cockatiel cage, in the best corner of the room for bird cages (not near the computer nook, entrance door, or windows where there may be a direct draft path), so the 'tiels could probably get to it just fine anyway, wing clip or no wing clip.

8. Block access to the finch cage, such as by using a floor-to-ceiling barrier. I can't really do this, since the cages are so close to each other.

9. Do something to make the finch cage undesirable, like spraying on bird deterrent or making the bars taste nasty. I don't think this is a good option, either. What could I do to deter the parrots that wouldn't also bother the finches who live in the cage? And I wouldn't want to harm the 'tiels either, of course.

Which course to take, bird friends? These cockatiels and finches are like children to me, and I want us all to be happy, but this situation breaks my heart!

Thanks for the help and advice,


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Re: Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by Atbird » Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:47 pm

Are your cockatiels not tame? I have canaries that are not tame and when I let them out I don't like them on the chairs. My solution has been to give them another, more desirable location to land on....a wooden laundry rack makes an excellent, foldable play stand. Whenever they come out, I put millet, fruit, greens, etc on the rack, so that is where they go. Also, birds are smart. You can teach them "off" . For the canary, I say off and then slightly wiggle my hand at them about a foot away. They do not seem afraid or panicked, they just hop away from it and when they land on the rack I stop trying to "herd" them with my hand. This works for my birds and they seem to get it mostly.
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Re: Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by Sally » Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:59 pm

If you don't have anything on top of the finch cage, you could cut a piece of plexiglass to fit the top, which would keep the cockatiels from biting through the bars, yet still let light into the finch cage.
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Re: Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by Sheather » Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:16 pm

I'm perhaps missing but what exactly could the cockatiels do to the finches that is so damaging? My cockatiel shares free-flight space with all of our other birds at once and doesn't hurt them.


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Re: Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by vinay » Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:39 am

Cockatiels are quite harmless compared to other parrots. From what you said , it seems that both species are alright with each other. I don't see any harm in your tiels landing on top of the finches' cage since theres no aggression whatsoever. Most of my parrots get even more motivated to do something when I try to stop them from doing it .
I feel the best solution is to provide something more interesting for them to do . Maybe new toys ?
I'm sure your tiels will eventually get bored of the finches' cage and when they do , they'll have plenty of better distractions to be occupied with :) .

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Re: Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by debbyloo » Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:38 am

You could always quickly drape a piece of clear shower curtain, cut to an appropriate size, over the top and front and perhaps partially down the back and sides of the finch cage to prevent the cockatiels from being able to reach through the bars for anything. Then, remove the plastic shower curtain piece when free flight time is over.

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Re: Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by Emberrhine » Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:46 am

Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for the advice!

I no longer have this particular finch cage (I have a larger one now that is across the room from the 'tiel cage), and the cockatiels seem less eager about landing on this new, bigger structure...although I expect their curiosity will win out eventually and I'll see them fly up there!

The finches don't seem too bothered by the cockatiels, per se, but even so I would prefer that the bigger birds stayed away from the finches' food and cage decorations. My cockatiels shred artificial plants like you wouldn't believe, and my finch cages have such nice plants on them, I don't want the cockatiels to chew them up! They also tried to steal spray millet and other things from inside the old cage.

My new shaft-tails do seem more wary of the cockatiels than my old pair, and every time the parrots get too close they startle and flap around, but they seem to be getting used to them.

The cockatiels do know when they're doing something I don't like them to, as I'll say "No" in a firm voice and give them a little shooing gesture. They have plenty of other places to go in the room, including up on the dresser mirror and curtains, the tops of other furniture, and my bed...not to mention my head and shoulders, ha ha!

If the cockatiels start landing on top of the new cage, I guess I'll just gently shoo them off, and hopefully they'll get the idea that this particular ledge is off-limits.

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Re: Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by Sheather » Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:59 am

Emberrhine I know just what you mean about cockatiels and plants! I decked out all the cages in my bird room with such pretty autumn garlands late last month. It took my Todd and Freddy about a week to cut off all the leaves, so every cage was just draped in plastic rope!


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Re: Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by cindy » Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:02 am

You mentioned in another topic that you are trying to get your shaft tails to care for their young, raise a family and that you have had instances where the young are not fed or passed... could possibly be due to the cockatiels interrupting them, scaring them off the nest, feeling threatened...I would suggest that you move the shaft tails to a quieter location where your hookbills do not bother them. Shaft tails are pretty private birds when breeding and raising young. also all the commotion of you chasing and shooing them away may be upsetting the shaft tail.

I do not trust most hookbills with finches, it take on pinch of a hookbills beak whether it be in play or aggression to cut or destroy a wing or toe or leg.

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Re: Cockatiels On The Finch Cage--advice needed!

Post by debbie276 » Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:47 am

Absolutely agree with Cindy. The constant fly by's of the larger birds are enough to put off any finch from wanting to raise chicks in those conditions let alone the landing on top of the cage and you shooing them off. If a bird feels threatened, constantly startled and/or the conditions aren't right to raise young they will abandon their nests.
Will be interesting to see when you move away from the larger birds whether they are successful in breeding. Please keep us posted.
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