Problem Child

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Problem Child

Post by Raleighwheels » Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:54 pm

I need some advice about a female zebra finch that I have. I got her from a pet store towards the end of 2014. In the later part of the following year I tried to breed her with one of my single males. They were great at first, even though they never actually produced any babies. Once I took the nest away and started decreasing the amount of light and eggfood, she became very aggressive and attacked her mate constantly. I removed her and placed her in my "oddball" cage. It consists of two societies, and an owl finch. She was great in there until this winter when I paired her with a different bird for breeding. Again, they never went into the nestbox, but she laid some eggs on the floor and that seemed to be it. A week or so later, I came home to find feathers everywhere, and her mate cowering in the corner with blood all over his back. I moved her immediately back into the oddball cage. A few days later, she started terrorizing the birds in there. She would go nuts, and the societies would move to the floor and back into the corner. The owl got the most of the aggression. The zebra plucked her like crazy. At one point, she grabbed the owl as she tried to fly away and pulled her to the floor for an attack.

Right now, I have her in a cage all alone, but it breaks my heart to see her like this. What do you guys think I should do? I've contemplated rehoming, but I feel like I would be passing the problem on to someone else. Also, I don't just view her as a breeder, but a pet too.

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Re: Problem Child

Post by Animalzoo » Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:27 pm


Oh no. She is a little terror isn't she! When they bully they can really go for it can't they. When you had her in your oddball cage could she see the other zebras? Vice versa when you had her paired with males, could they see any other zebras?

I've had girls be really nasty to others including my societies but as soon as I paired her with a boy in their own cage she just got right on with nest building and egg laying quite happily.

I have found though that if the couples can see each other it's a distraction and bullying can carry on.

Another thought is cage size. How big is your oddball cage? Maybe it's not big enough for them all to have room to escape.

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Re: Problem Child

Post by Raleighwheels » Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:36 pm

I did put dividers up so that she couldn't see other zebras while I was trying to breed her, but it didn't help. The oddball cage is 30x18x18.

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Re: Problem Child

Post by Animalzoo » Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:40 pm

Sounds all fine to me. Perhaps some of the other Zebra experts can offer some other ideas as it's a weird one. Maybe she's just super bossy hehe

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Re: Problem Child

Post by lnlovesorange » Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:39 am

Raleighwheels I don't really know what to tell you about your problem... that's horrible. But I will say this, i wouldn't use her as a breeding bird anymore. you would be (if she ever actually did it) passing on those VERY aggressive genes to her young, and then selling those birds and someone would have the same problem you are having, and maybe not the resources to handle it properly. I would leave her in a cage by herself for a while.... Not breed her, and if she seems to leave Male zebras alone (like not attack them) put her in with one when she's in her "nice" mode... Other than that, I don't know that there's a whole lot you can do, I deffinitely wouldn't put her in with the less aggressive species like owls or Socies, at least other zebras will fight back or stick up for them selves!!! Sorry you are having this problem...good luck [-o<

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Re: Problem Child

Post by lovezebs » Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:59 am


Your girl, almost sounds like she's suffering from some sort of mental illness. Whose to say, that humans, are the only 'lucky' ones to struggle with such issues.

I would definitely NOT breed her. Also, I would not house her with species such as Societies, and especially not with anything as small as an Owl.

If you had a really large flight or aviary, I would attempt to house her with a number of Zebras, where she would very quickly learn about the pecking order of the Zebra world.

If this is not an option, I would house her in her own cage, where she can be close to, and see other birds, but be unable to physically harm them.

P.S. I wouldn't re-home her. That would be unfair both to her, and to whoever she ended up with.

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Re: Problem Child

Post by Raleighwheels » Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:03 am

Thanks guys! I'm definitely not going to be breeding her at all. She's in a cafe surrounded by other birds right now. I'm hoping to be purchasing a house in the near future, and want to convert a closet to an aviary for the birds that are not going to be breeding. Hopefully she'll be able to get along in there.

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