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Wing fluttering .....what is this ?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:38 pm
by JerseyGuy
I've noticed my 2 Male Gouldians have been doing a lot of wing fluttering, does that mean anything ?
They are getting more active and acclimated to their new home....are eating and drinking and vocalizing more . I was just spooked by the little wing-fluttering I was seeing.

Re: Wing fluttering .....what is this ?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:35 pm
by debbie276
Wing fluttering can simply be because they are getting used to the new size of the cage. I wouldn't worry at all, let them settle in and reassess.

Re: Wing fluttering .....what is this ?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:26 pm
by JerseyGuy
debbie276 wrote: Wing fluttering can simply be because they are getting used to the new size of the cage. I wouldn't worry at all, let them settle in and reassess.
I found out that the problem was they did not like the arrangement of the Perches in the cage.. the Perches were going end to end, instead of front to back. It was stressing the birds out. So, I had to
remove the Top perch, and re-arrange the Manzanita perch by attaching it to the back of the cage. Once that was done, the wing fluttering and flittering stopped. They now appear to be more comfortable in their home.

Re: Wing fluttering .....what is this ?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:29 pm
by Stuart whiting
JerseyGuy wrote: I've noticed my 2 Male Gouldians have been doing a lot of wing fluttering, does that mean anything ?
They are getting more active and acclimated to their new home....are eating and drinking and vocalizing more . I was just spooked by the little wing-fluttering I was seeing.
It could possibly mean that they are coming into breeding condition as cock canaries normally do this repetitively prior to the breeding season :D

Re: Wing fluttering .....what is this ?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 5:59 pm
by 608duj
I agree with Stuart. I use this as a sign that my Gouldian hens are coming into breeding receptivity. Often accompanied by a short "cheep" sound. Gouldian cocks do this also after a molt meaning they are ready.