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Two female zebra finches - pecking?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:05 pm
by anma
So I have a Zebrafinch hen since October-for various reasons I couldn't get a pair. I keep her free in my room and she's bonded with me.
But- I finally could get another hen for her, to give her a friend from her own species. Maybe I made a mistake but I let her in to the cage with the new bird. She- my older finch- started pecking the others beak! I thought it's normal but she obviously tried to get away, then she was really pecking heer, even pulling out a tail feather etc. I quickly separated them. Is there a rule how long I should wait before letting two hens together? or is it possible she's behavioural? She'd laid eggs last week(she has no nest, yet she basically laid a clutch the last two weeks) Odd. How much pecking is normal? How long should I wait? I'm a bit clueless. Also waiting for the breeder's response.

Re: Two female zebra finches - pecking?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:00 pm
by Chrismurdoch3
It sounds like your hen is wanting to breed and has claimed her cage as "her territory" and could possibly be defending it as if she was defending her nest. You could try to put two cages side by side to let the finches get used to each others company and then they might be ok to be housed together. Usually zebras are ok when you house same sexes together, but every finch has its own personality and might not get along with other finches only time will tell for you.

Re: Two female zebra finches - pecking?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:01 pm
by Sojourner
Rearrange the cage entirely, then release both birds into it. Add some fake greenery around at least 2 of the upper corners to give both birds a place to hide from each other and rest.

It will seem like a new cage to both birds. If it is a territorial issue, that should take care of it as it will be new territory to both birds.

Re: Two female zebra finches - pecking?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:31 am
by anma
Sojourner wrote: Rearrange the cage entirely, then release both birds into it. Add some fake greenery around at least 2 of the upper corners to give both birds a place to hide from each other and rest.

It will seem like a new cage to both birds. If it is a territorial issue, that should take care of it as it will be new territory to both birds.
Oh didn't see your reply. I just kept the new hen in the cage for 3 days, while my old finch was free in the room. They've started sleeping next to each other(the white inside the cage, the other is outside but close to each other)
I set the white hen free after 3 days and now they are best friends. :)
So problem solved!

Re: Two female zebra finches - pecking?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:33 pm
by Sojourner

Yay! Glad it worked out.