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Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:01 pm
by CandoAviary
Finches indeed can be trained. Canaries can be taught more songs.
there are some finches that are more people orienated than others...

The fair down in Brooksville, FL had this really neat lady in a wheel chair in front of her tables. She had a fully flighted java finch siting on her finger. She hand fed most of them and spends a lot of time but these birds were really nice. I have had trained zebras, gouldians, and canaries. I have a nest of javas right now and if I had the time I would be working with them.

The key is to find a finch that is trusting. Spend quality time with it and enjoy that special relationship... it is well worth it :D

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:07 pm
by L in Ontario
CandoAviary wrote:Finches indeed can be trained. Canaries can be taught more songs.
there are some finches that are more people orienated than others...

The fair down in Brooksville, FL had this really neat lady in a wheel chair in front of her tables. She had a fully flighted java finch siting on her finger. She hand fed most of them and spends a lot of time but these birds were really nice. I have had trained zebras, gouldians, and canaries. I have a nest of javas right now and if I had the time I would be working with them.

The key is to find a finch that is trusting. Spend quality time with it and enjoy that special relationship... it is well worth it :D
I don't doubt that birds can be trained - any bird! But time is the biggest resource and determination along with persistence. The lady in the wheelchair "probably" spends her whole days sitting with her birds and training them. I know birds CAN be trained - I've seen them too. But as I stated before, not many people have the time, etc etc to spend with the birds and to keep it up day after day after day after...

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:59 pm
by CandoAviary
Yes Liz, the wheelchair bound lady was mostly homebound and her javas were her life, I am sure she spent much time with them.... I even asked her how she could bring herself to sell them... I loved her answer... so other people can be as blessed as I am. :D Of course the one on her finger was not for sale..nor a few others she had with her... she said they were family :lol:
I really enjoyed her spirit and her birds.

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:30 pm
by wellingtoncdm
ruler wrote:will probably fall on deaf ears or will be invaded by critics lol usually the case with forum suggestions
I think "Finch Chat" is just where this topic belongs. Training seems like quite a specialty topic that may not be used enough to warrant it's own forum section. Not being deaf or critical, just my honest opinion.

I always click the the view new posts button on the top right and see all new posts no matter which topic they are under. If it interests me I read it if not I don't.

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:59 pm
by kheather
I do the same...hit new posts and read them all regardless of surely could be discussed without it's own permanant topic. I find it fascinating what some people have the patience to teach their birds.

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:46 am
by ruler
alot of people might not have the time but there are a lot who do. not many people would use that section anyway simply because there isnt a section :)
if i were looking for training related i wouldnt be looking in general chat, its like looking for a new suit in a coffe shop. training or teaching is a whole subject on its own thats why i suggested it. it doesnt matter anyway there is always google

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:51 am
by Ursula
Ok, I am one of those who are against it... Even if there are people who are able to train finches they are the exception. You all have to admit that. And IMHO if somebody wants a companion bird he/she should get a parrot bird, they are easier to tame and usually stay tame even without great effort. Newcomers to the finch world might get the wrong impression of the easiness of taming finches if there is a separate forum for this!

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:00 am
by L in Ontario
ruler wrote:alot of people might not have the time but there are a lot who do.
There are a lot who do? Really? What percentage of people do you think have the time to dedicate to training finches (every single day)??? 50% 40%... 20%? I don't think there would even be 10% who have the required time necessary. Yes a few may, but not many.
ruler wrote:not many people would use that section anyway simply because there isnt a section :)
That just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
ruler wrote:if i were looking for training related i wouldnt be looking in general chat, its like looking for a new suit in a coffe shop. training or teaching is a whole subject on its own thats why i suggested it. it doesnt matter anyway there is always google
As I said in my first post - "You may ask all the questions you want and get them answered in the current forums." Using the View New Posts shows all new entries so you don't have to go looking in a particular Forum.

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:04 am
by annague
I agree with Ursula (and others) on this issue. You have to take into account the nature of the finch. The finch is a delicate, tiny, prey animal. Their fear and avoidance of potential threats is what keeps them alive in their natural state. I don't think it can be trained out of them without inordinate time and effort. Although as I was discussing in another thread -- you could probably selectively breed a friendlier finch.

Personally, I have loved the finches I hand-tamed and my interaction with them -- they are the sweetest! BUT (overall) -- I do not want to dicker with the inherent nature of a finch. I want to enjoy them the way they are in their natural state of mind.

Caretaker and breeder is enough for me right now. :lol:

PS: I have found Liz and Jeanine to be open-minded about every suggestion made by a forum member. Not only that, but the dedication they show to the FF is phenomenal IMO. You really should give folks the benefit of the doubt or at least have a bit more interaction with them before you make assumptions about their nature. :wink:

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:15 am
by cindy
Ruler, you could write an article on hand taming and submit it to the moderators for approval to be put on the FIC. That might be a possibility, that way if someone is interested in hand taming it can easily be found there.

Since this an individual breeder, individual bird situation it might be best to present the training option in an article. Not all hand feds stay people friendly, including some hookbills. It depends on the bird's personality/disposition and the breeder's time devoted for training.

I have had certain hookbills all from the same clutch, all handfed out, same amount of handling...some remained tame, on the shoulder, coming when called, etc and some were friendly, trusting but but that is as far as it went. The ones that found other interests either in the flights or other birds were calm and trusuting when I cleaned and fed but kept their distance. The really tame ones would respond to a signal, upon opening the door scramble up my arm and onto my shoulder and remain there during my stay In the aviary. One was very fond of my husband and followed him through the house, sitting with him while he read the paper.

This is such an individual situation I feel that a well constructed guide on your experience might be best suited in an article that people can read and pm you about.

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:24 am
by L in Ontario
cindy wrote:Ruler, you could write an article on hand taming and submit it to the moderators for approval to be put on the FIC. That might be a possibility, that way if someone is interested in hand taming it can easily be found there.
Good suggestion Cindy! =D>

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:18 am
by lovemyfinch
I waited to post until I could get a good idea on what the consensus of this topic would be. :wink:
Hate to say it, but these ears are far from being deaf :roll: Unless of course you talk to my boys who will tell you that I have what we call here *selective listening* :lol:
There are so many other places that this topic can be posted under*I would strongly suggest finch chat*, that adding on an entire forum just doesn't seem necessary.
As for finding the subject in there. Well, if you have enough to talk about and enough interest in the topic it should always be easy to it will stay on the top of the page :wink:

As for me...I'll stick to watching my little wards react the way that nature intended them to...wild. :D

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:30 am
by Sally
One forum member, nipper06, has posted many times about his hand-tamed Javas. He did write an article about it, but the website where that was posted is no longer available. Perhaps we could get him to offer that article for posting at the FIC. If you do a search for Javas--author nipper06--you will find much information about hand-taming Javas. Or as Cindy suggested, you could write an article about your experiences.

One problem with adding new forums, or even more stickies, is that the index can become so unwieldy that it is impractical. So each suggestion for a new section is heard, we aren't deaf, but unless something has a broader appeal, it is difficult to justify the space it would take up on the index.

This forum has become so popular, it is amazing to me how many people apply for membership every single day!

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:25 pm
by CandoAviary
Sally, I remember those post about his free flying javas. Seems those javas are unique birds when it comes to finches. The ones I have at the store are the most curious little things.. Probably what makes them more readily trainable. Most hookbills, budgies , parrots, etc. were meant to be wild also... but that sure doesn't keep people from seperating them from the flock and training them to bond with people. :wink: I can't tell you how many people come in the store and ask if you can tame, train these finches... I have 2 answers... depending on my mood :wink: one answer, Yes, If you spend tons of time with your pair... never would I encourage anyone to buy one finch for a pet.
Other answer... why would you want too :lol:

Re: posible new forum section?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:37 pm
by DanteD716
CandoAviary wrote:Other answer... why would you want too :lol: