Fawn cherryfinch babies
- MariusStegmann
- Weaning
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- Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:20 pm
- Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Fawn cherryfinch babies
Fawn cherryfinch babies at last! I had to wait almost a year for the new fawn cherryfinch cock that I got to match the fawn hen, to start breeding. Cherryfinches are also known as Plumhead finches.

- Pip
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Re: Fawn cherryfinch babies
Congrats they are sooooo cute
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Zebra, Society ,Spice, Java ,Cut throat ,Green Singer, Red-Billed firefinch, Orange- cheeked waxbill, Gold Breasted waxbill, St. Helena waxbill, Lady Gouldian, Blue capped CordonBleu Orange Crowned Weaver, Button quail
Zebra, Society ,Spice, Java ,Cut throat ,Green Singer, Red-Billed firefinch, Orange- cheeked waxbill, Gold Breasted waxbill, St. Helena waxbill, Lady Gouldian, Blue capped CordonBleu Orange Crowned Weaver, Button quail
- Sally
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Re: Fawn cherryfinch babies
Congrats! Cherry finches are so beautiful.
- MariusStegmann
- Weaning
- Posts: 1726
- Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:20 pm
- Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Re: Fawn cherryfinch babies
Thank you, ladies. They should fledge this week and as Murphy would have it we currently have unseasonal cold weather.