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Pin-tailed parrot finches

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:08 pm
by isobea
Hi everyone,
I am finally ready to add new birds. Does anybody keep pintails or know where to buy some? My Google search didn't show any results.

Re: Pin-tailed parrot finches

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:13 pm
by w.l.
I keep 3 pairs.
Here they cost $2-4 each but that may not help you much.
Though coming over with some fair-sized pockets to tuck them into on your way home may be about the only way for you to get them. :D

Based on info from former breeders in the US, this species, together with the even rarer Tawny-breasted and Papuan pasrrotfinches, seems to be extinct in aviculture there.

Re: Pin-tailed parrot finches

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:52 pm
by w.l.
Btw, there is a Facebook group dedicated to Parrotfinches.
It may well be your best source of info on rarer species like pintails, though you should still not hold your breath waiting to find some in North America.
Join it:

Re: Pin-tailed parrot finches

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:57 pm
by isobea
w.l. - Thanks for letting me know that I might be on a wild goose chase. I had high hopes that there might still be somebody out there who has some. OR who might be willing to import some from Indonesia... Do you have an opinion on or experience with Forbes or Peale's parrot finches?
Thanks also for the link for the Facebook group. I'll have to check it out.

Re: Pin-tailed parrot finches

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:45 am
by w.l.
My only experience with Fiji (Pelae's) parrotfinches is seeing them hopping around on the lawns in the center of Suva. Together with Red-throated in New Caledonia, they are the only parrotfinches I have seen in the wild.

I have no personal experience with Timor (Forbes) parrotfinches.

But both species are quite well established and semi-domesticated in Western aviculture, so they should be both easier to get and much easier to breed than pintails.
No match for it in terms of graceful beauty though!

As for importing pintails - they are bred in Europe and should be available there, too.
Obviously not at Indonesian prices!

Re: Pin-tailed parrot finches

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:06 pm
by slwatson

I have a pair of Peales that haven't successfully bred, but I think they're too young. I also had a pair of Forbes that did lay eggs, and were sitting, and then my male died unexpectedly. I found a new male this past weekend, so hopefully, my hen will lay eggs again :D

Re: Pin-tailed parrot finches

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:01 pm
by isobea
Stacie - good luck with your birds! At least you were able to get some. I found out there are some Forbes in Oregon but pretty expensive plus the cost of shipping. And since we are going into 'winter', I'll delay that decision until spring.