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Rehoming due to health

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:57 pm
by zebsoc
I really love my birds and they r very cheerful company.

But they are also stressful because my health is not good. A lot to keep up since they make a mess outside their cages not just inside.
And with being sick a lot and cold weather just starting, the smell of the birds even when they have been cleaned is getting to me badly since I live in an apartment so I can't get away from their smell when i'm sick.

Therefore I am looking for good homes for my birds. I'm not sure yet about cages and supplies.
I'll see how it goes on rehoming.
So at this time Not cages nor supplies, though maybe if can rehome all birds.

Hoping here will be a good and safe place to find good homes for my birds.
Rehome fee to be careful to find serious loving homes.

5 parakeets - $10 each.
3 society finches - $5 each
1 canary - $50 - she laid eggs this summer.


Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:02 pm
by zebsoc
Are there any other forums of bird lovers also that would be a good safe place for finding loving caring homes for my birds?

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:54 pm
by wildbird
You could try facebook groups: birdaholics, finchaholics. Have you thought about just selling some of them, not all? So many large cages would be hard to take care of. I hope everything works out well for you and your birds.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:05 pm
by Sheather
You just bought those parakeets, what could have changed so severely in a few weeks that now you have to get rid of them?

Healthy birds do not have a smell.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:56 am
by zebsoc
wildbird - thank you for the facebook sites. I will look into them.
Yes keeping some would be nice but due to my deteriorating health I'm not sure it would be fair to them. I thought I was just having occasional new problems possibly due to the severe heat waves because it was something new but now the weather is cooler and the same problems are not only continuing but worsening. My birds are a ray of sunshine in my health deteriorating life but not if I fear not being able to care for them as my health continues to make things more difficult. I would prefer to keep them all as is but not realistic.
Thank you for understanding.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:02 am
by zebsoc
Please don't judge my decisions and my life. I shouldn't need to explain. I am not asking for a hand out, only if someone wishes to buy my birds and give them a good loving home.
They were brought into my home as my pets in good faith and well cared for, with the belief and hope that some things I was trying would help improve my health plus belief the severe heat waves were a temporary cause of the more severe difficulties. Didn't turn out that way.
I just find that people are very quick to judge and be harsh without understanding when it comes to health issues
and it is very upseting to me as it is that I have to give up my birds, so very difficult to do.
I am trying to be realistic about mg health while still holding on to fading hope. Plus do what is best for my birds. I also thought I was going to have some assistance available but things changed.

If I were just selling them or breeding them wouldn't be any question as to why.

Animals are very helpful to give hope and focus to ill and elderly. I already know I made a mistake no need to rub it in.
I enjoyed my birds very much and can't say I regret having any of them in my life.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:12 am
by Barbara
zebsoc I hope you find a good home for your bird,don't let one person's remark make you feel bad, we all have drastic life changes some financial some health and have to make decision in our life that upsets us,I myself have gone thru a situation in my own life where I had to re-home my dogs.I also hope you have someone that can help you with not only your birds but support for what you are going thru at this time.May-be your local shelter can help you ,they screen people when they adopt.God Bless

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:38 am
by Nerine

Really sorry to hear about this....I'm also currently in a similar situation where I've had to rehome most of my birds, and my cat is being rehomed on Friday :(

Wishing you the best in your decision.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:38 am
by zebsoc
Thank you very much for your support and understanding.

I hope things go well in your rehoming Nerine.
It's a sad time but can take comfort they will go to another home that can enjoy and love them.

Yesterday I was so sick I could only eat a couple of yogurts. I have neither the health nor the strength left unfortunately.
It's tempting to try to keep a few, I already had the winter food and toys for them.
But cleaning takes so much out of me and when I get sick, the birdy smell just overwhelms me even when they r clean.

Keeping our pets forever is a wonderful thing,
but there is no forever in this world anyway. Partings are a part of living.
And life throws us curve balls, things come up, life changes.
It's odd that we accept relationships breaking up as normal, people moving away, families dont stay together forever, but have such a fixed mindset when someone needs to rehome. It's not easy but it is best for the pets to get a new home where they can be better cared for then in a situation that isn't working and humans count too, we try but know best when it's necessary for us and for our pets.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:03 am
by Sally
zebsoc I am so sorry you are going through this. It is very difficult to give up our pets, but sometimes it must be done. If you are unable to care for them properly because of your own health, then you are making the best decision for both them and yourself in my opinion. They will be better off in another home, and you will be able to concentrate on your own health.

If I were in your area, I would take them in a heartbeat, not only to help you out but to help the birds find a home. Illness can be so debilitating, I don't think people who haven't gone through it quite understand just how devastating it can be. Facebook groups may be the way to reach people who are nearer to you. Good luck with this, and I hope you are able to resolve your health issues soon.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 2:28 pm
by zebsoc
Thank you very much for your support and understanding.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:38 pm
by lem2bert

I hope you are able to rehome your birds. It looks like you take very good care of them. It is a very hard coming to the conclusion to rehome. But the health and happiness of your birds and yourself is most important. Good luck and best wishes.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:57 pm
by Shannylee
zebsoc, I'm so sorry that you're having to part with your birds and I'm sure that decision didn't come easy. Wishing you the best of health and good luck in finding home for them.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:04 pm
by Babs _Owner

My dear, if even ONE of those many many air purifiers in your picture, has an ionizer on it, its not the birds making you sick, its the ionizer.

If you look at my posts from last year, we bought an ionizer to make me well from bronchitis.

Not only did it not make me well, it made me SICKER and it killed 5 of my birds. I truly hope for your bird's health and mostly YOUR health that there are no ionizers on those units.

Ionizers are to be used in an enclosed area only with no humans and pets around (for example a sealed limo with no occupants after someone has smoked in it). It creates "negative ions" LETHAL for bird lungs and VERY BAD for human lungs. Good for getting out odors, but only with no living beings around while its doing its work.

Re: Rehoming due to health

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:10 pm
by Babs _Owner
Sally Shannylee zebsoc Sheather

I see at least 2 units that are ionizers. oh no..... :shock: