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Sleeping, warmth and fun questions

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:11 pm
by marisab

I just bought my first finch today. We bought the biggest cage they had that was appropriate for finches, but only one Java Finch. He is ordering me another Java in three weeks.

I have questions!

1. Sleeping. I've kept parakeets before and they simply sleep on the perch. Do finches do this as well, or does he need a nest or a nest bowl type thing? I didn't buy him one because I wasn't sure I needed to but have no problems getting one tomorrow.

2. How cold is too cold? My house is kept at a normal room temp almost all year. He is in a location that won't have many fluctuations.

3. Do finches enjoy toys like other birds? Mirrors? I bought him fruit branch type perches, a bird bath, and a swing which he has been on already. Anything else?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:03 am
by EmilyHurd
You don't need to buy a nest, finches do fine sleeping on perches. It depends on the type of finch you have with the cold issue. I try to keep my bird room always above 65 degrees, but that is my preference as I have many different types of finches. Also, in my flight, I keep a heat lamp on 24/7 in one corner so that if they are cold, they can sit under it.

Finches do like other toys. Mine love mirrors, and especially swings. They also love toys which they can preen, like ropes, or feathers... they have certain preening ropes at the petstore that attach to the side of the cage.

I would also suggest buying a cuttlebone and mineral block. I have both of those in all my finch cages. Also make sure to have perches of a couple different sizes.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:14 am
by kenny
hi marisab
dont worry to much about keeping them to warm as my javas spend the whole of the winter in an outside aviary which smetimes gets temperatures below freezing ..they are very hardy birds and in some countrys even mine where they have escaped they are now living far as a nest goes i would not bother if you are thinking of breeding they usually need a very large box because they have quite large broods with up to six chicks so that would be quite a lot of space forall those to cram in a small nest..they will be quite happy without a am example this nestbox is 9inches square so if your cage is big enough to accomidate it then by all means try to breed them..they are lovely birds with even lovelier young


Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:23 am
by marisab
Hi thanks for the replies.

I did buy him a swing and he has sat on it a couple times this morning and last night. He started singing a lot this morning which was cute. And he was very interested in the bagel I was eating. LOL

As for picking up another finch, should it be female? Or could I get another male? I am not interested in breeding them.