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Cage Cleaning

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:08 pm
by Rob
I have a cage that has or has had birds with air sac mites in it, and I would like to do a thorough clean. What product(s) would be best for this? I imagine more than soap and water, but also don't want to use anything too powerful that will cause problems for future birds.


Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:23 pm
by wilkifam
I would use bleach in the water, spritz it when you are done with AIL (Avian Insect Liquidator). Although I don't think airsac mites can survive with no host.

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 7:30 pm
by Rob

Interesting. At least two birds that were in the cage are showing symptoms, and now a new bird in that cage is showing symptoms. This isn't my canary, but this is the same sound I'm hearing:

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:19 am
by wilkifam
That doesn't sound good. I'd definitely scatt.

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 8:20 am
by cindy
Put the birds to your ear... listen for a ticking sound (ASM) or if it is sticky wet sounding (upper respiratory). With ASM you can get secondary bacterial infections) .

Do not use bleach and water if the birds are in the cage, you can use virokn s safely to clean with... if having mite issues clean first and then use the AIL.... it has a growth regulator in it and a residual/long lasting effect so spraying anything else on top of it will weaken it. (AIL is Avian Insect Liquidator, very safe to use following the directions)

wipe perches down then spray AIL especially if birds are beak wiping.... you can bleach and sanitize cups drinkers and dishes as well.

Scatt says it will last in the body for 21 days but that is not at full strength you may need to repeat and overlap at the two week mark with stubborn cases.

If you do not have scatt and can't get it you can use ivermectin 1% Ivomec... a drop to the back of the bare neck once a week for three weeks ought to rid the birds of ASM.

They also make an oral that contains moxidectin... Called Moxidectin Plus... it is also a dewormer for all worms including tape. Several folks I know use is and are happy with the results.

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:11 am
by cindy
you can remove the birds from the cage and do the perches and entire cage in bleach and water, and rinse, let it dry in the sun then use the AIL if concerned with mites. The bleach once it hits water starts to degrade (solutions of bleach and water are half strength within 24 hours) and the sun will break it down further... once dry it is safe to return the birds.

or you can leave the birds in the cage or remove them and clean it down with virkon S. let it dry and then use AIL if concerned about mites.

When putting the birds to your ear do so in a quiet room (forgot to mention that)...listen for ticking (asm) or a wet sticky sound (bacteria, upper respiratory) if you can record the sound as you listen it may help also

you can also check for ASM by dampening the throat area with a little alcohol on a cotton ball and pushing the feathers aside, in a dark room use a pen light and shine it on the area and see if you see little black specks moving about... sometimes you can actually see the mites under the skin in the airway.

the bird in the video sound like there is a crackling, wheezing, rapid breathing.

it will not hurt to treat for ASM especially if you have had a history of it. If sounding wet you may need something additional to treat an upper respiratory. If you have a vet they can likely prescribe a treatment if needed.

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:53 pm
by Rob

Thanks for all of the information/advise. I have scatt now, that I'll administer to all of them.

One of the ones I know is healthy, was making a similar sound after I caught her and she was quite stressed. Could it simply be the heartbeat and/or heavy breathing? Last night I cleaned some spare cages, moved birds around and separated two who were fighting (one is the one with scaly feet, and she was attacking the other one). Now that they're apart, I haven't heard anything yet from the one that was being attacked and she was singing this morning.

Anyway, I will treat them all and continue watching/listening. Also, I ended up using vinegar and water for cleaning the cages.

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 5:14 pm
by lovezebs

Hey Rob,

How are the kids doing?
Did you get the meds from Jean?

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 5:33 pm
by Rob

Yes, I got scatt and have treated them. So far so good :-) Still no singing from the male, but he seems happier already. I don't know how long it's supposed to take to notice improvements.

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:09 pm
by lovezebs

Hi Rob,

Glad to hear that your boy is feeling better.

Are any of the others showing signs of mites?

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:00 pm
by Rob

Not anymore. There were a couple others that I was worried about, but I've treated all of the ones that would have been in contact/at risk and I didn't hear anything abnormal today from anyone. The cages all got an extra good cleaning, and I feel more confident about them now. :)

I definitely felt helpless without the medication, but I'm hopeful they'll all be ok now.

Re: Cage Cleaning

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:02 pm
by lovezebs

That's good news :D .