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Cage Size and Free Flight

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:27 pm
by swethakyadav
Hi All,
I have a single male canary that is housed in a 18x18 but has the cage door open through out the day and he has complete freedom to fly in the living room with multiple locations to perch on. Even the the cage is small I love to see him enjoy the free flight through out the day.

I am now looking at getting few finches but worried about how I would handle multiple birds flying out and how I would get the back Into the cage when needed. Was thinking of the Prevue Hampton breeder cage with partitions so that I can get them back in one after another and remove the partition once all of them are safely back in the cage.

Has anyone tried this cage ? I would like to know your experience with this cage.

How often do you provide free flight time for the finches ? I believe they would love it but what difficulties did you face in getting them back in.


Re: Cage Size and Free Flight

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:56 pm
by Sheather
Have let my birds out almost every day for four years now.
I have no difficulties, and I regularly let out birds together that live in different cages. Once settled into their own cage for a week or two they go back on their own to eat, sleep etc, and while they will visit the other cages they know which one is their home.

If all the birds will live in one cage it's even easier. You can quickly call them all home when flight time is done by offering a treat food, lettuce or boiled egg, etc, or millet spray, or a tub of bath water - all things my birds come running home for. But even a flock of birds, once settled into their cage, will go there on their own at the end of the day to rest.

Re: Cage Size and Free Flight

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:19 pm
by swethakyadav
That sounds so cool :)

Re: Cage Size and Free Flight

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:51 am
by jimenezl
Do you have issues w the birds and windows? Do you cover them?


Re: Cage Size and Free Flight

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:26 am
by Dave
At first I made sure the blinds / curtains covered the windows. I don't have mirrors in there, although I would have covered a mirror, also.

After a few days, by gradually opening the window blinds, it was easy to see that the birds learned that windows are like walls. They just didn't have problems with them.

The key to cage birds having free flying time is observation. Sit in there and watch to see what the birds are doing, and what might be a hazard.

Re: Cage Size and Free Flight

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:42 pm
by swethakyadav
My Canary didn't have any problems with windows infact he used to sit on the window and watch people come and go outside. When I moved to a new house he had an issue with the windows on the first day but now he has figured out where the windows are and doesn't fly into them

Re: Cage Size and Free Flight

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:44 pm
by swethakyadav
I am not sure if it's different for finches though. Will hopefully get to test the same with finches in few weeks

Re: Cage Size and Free Flight

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:04 am
by jimenezl
thanks for the answers. I want to let my two cordons fly free in the room, but I have two large windows and three french doors. A lot of coverings (and risk)

Re: Cage Size and Free Flight

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:54 pm
by swethakyadav
I think they will get used to it... Mine is fine with the French doors now. Had an issue only in the first day. We have to remember they are smart and are built to survive in the wild and will learn about new obstacles with time :)