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Dish or sock feeder?!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:47 pm
by Moon
I've been looking at all the various products for finch in the stores. I've seen dishes, sock feeders, cups, etc. What's the best feeder for these little guys? I was thinking a satchel type of feeder based on sock feeders I see since it'll be one or two birds per cage. Best ideas?

Re: Dish or sock feeder?!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:51 pm
by lovezebs

I just use different types of dishes, they don't really care much about the shape or color.

Some D shaped plastic
Some plastic ones with the metal hooks on the back
Some flat trays at the bottom of the flights

It doesn't really matter.

Re: Dish or sock feeder?!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:43 pm
by isobea
Usually people use the sock feeder for niger (thistle) seed. Birds who would like this would be European goldfinches and siskins.
The seed mixes for your birds would probably be hard to get out of a sock. I would stick to regular dishes, whatever will work for you in your cage and is easy to clean.

Re: Dish or sock feeder?!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:41 pm
by Sojourner
I prefer small, shallow feeding dishes and a hopper or silo for their staple seed. Despite the ongoing story of Pyewacket the egg factory, using the smaller feed dishes really does help to cut down on unwanted egg-laying. I loved the thumb cups but they're not being made anymore and aren't available any more.

That leaves the shallow biscuit cups, and finger cups, which I use for mineral mix, crushed egg shell, and treats. I use a silo for seed but will likely be switching to a silo soon.

Even the "egg cups" that are shaped like an actual egg get treated like a nest, so I don't use those any more.

GlamGouldians has a small round cup called a "mineral cup" that I intend to give a try to replace the lost thumb cups. Basically I just try to keep anything out of the cage that even remotely resembles a nest, even in the wildest finchy dreams.

Re: Dish or sock feeder?!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:48 pm
by Dave
Birds don't care if they even have dishes, as long as food is available. Choose something that will stay clean in your cage, and thay you can easily take out each day to blow the chaff.

Some feeders are more 'automatic' than others, but they all need to be checked each day.

If you have more than 1-2 birds in a cage, I think its a good idea to have two seed dishes and two waterers. That way one bully bird can't keep others from seed or water.

Re: Dish or sock feeder?!

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:26 pm
by Moon
I'm currently using the bottom bowl for plants. They're easy enough to clean, small enough to get in and out of cages, and will hold extra water for the hotter months. I'm just curious really if there is anything in particular I can do for them as far as dishes are concerned.