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Schedule Help!

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 7:53 am
by Dbearden
I would like recommendations on a schedule to supplement diet with vitamins (mixed in water).
I lost several birds -- not knowing why. Was told it could be due to water not being changed often enough or bowls cleaned well. I have now been cleaning all water bowls with hot soapy water and rinsed well twice daily, morning and evening. I feed a high grade finch seed, homemade birdie bread (recipe from the forum!) along with broccoli, carrot and apple minced finely daily. I also provide charcoal, gravel and millet spray at all times.
I have been giving water mixed with Feather Glow Vitamins in the water daily for a week and then plain water alternating weekly.
Please let me know if this is incorrect. Birds all seem happy and active and healthy. I just want to keep them like this!!!

Re: Schedule Help!

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:18 pm
by ac12
Why gravel?
The need for grit depends on the bird.
Pigeons need grit to wear open the seeds they eat whole.
Finches crack the seeds open with their beak.

I would also watch the charcoal. I only give my gouldians charcoal once in a while and only for a couple days at a time. This is because I watched some of them scarfing up the charcoal. If they eat too much of that, it could stop them up. Similar but worse for gravel.

As to why they die, very difficult.
Birds hide their ailment very well, usually you only notice when the bird is about to die or find it dead on the cage floor.
So figuring it out is very difficult.

You don't need to clean the water bowls that often. You will soon get tired of the extra work and get discouraged about your birds.

I use filtered water, from a Brita filter. This takes care of chemicals in the water.

Check the FIC, there are some foods that you should NOT give to birds and others only in moderation.

Check the environment.
Any chemicals used to clean the house, anyone with perfume/cologne, etc.