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Blood In Poop

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:52 pm
by OhNayeli
Hello everyone today i noticed my female zebra finch was fluffed up and when i was cleaning the cage i saw that her poop had blood for the past few days i did notice some poop looked darker but she seemed fine. Her vent also seems to look kind of dirty. Her cage mate is acting normal i separated her gave her some water with nv powder some seeds with roudy bush pellets and hard boiled egg. She has been sleeping for most of the day and i havent seen her eat or drink water since i moved her. She is at least 10 months old and has never layed eggs. I checked on her a few minutes ago and her droppings look watery and yellow i will post a few pictures

I would really appreciate it if anybody could help me find out wat it is or wat i can do for her. The only things i have are alittle bit of nv powder and enrotex. Thanks in advance

Re: Blood In Poop

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:50 pm
by wildbird
There are so many things that could cause this, it's hard to know what the cause is. Could be parasites, (have you seen any worms in droppings?), metal, zinc, lead or mercury poisoning, bacterial infection, kidney, etc. I would offer plain water also, in case she doesn't want the water with the nv powder in it. Offer foods she likes, maybe some millet. A trusted avian vet might be able to diagnose by checking droppings. Wish I could be of more help. Maybe someone else can help.

Re: Blood In Poop

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:55 am
by OhNayeli
wildbird wrote: There are so many things that could cause this, it's hard to know what the cause is. Could be parasites, (have you seen any worms in droppings?), metal, zinc, lead or mercury poisoning, bacterial infection, kidney, etc. I would offer plain water also, in case she doesn't want the water with the nv powder in it. Offer foods she likes, maybe some millet. A trusted avian vet might be able to diagnose by checking droppings. Wish I could be of more help. Maybe someone else can help.
I have not seen any worms but i have some s76 i will give her some i read it can also eliminate worms apart from mites. And good idea she hasnt drank water so i will replace it with plain water they usually dnt mind the nv powder tough. Thank you for responding