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Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please help

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 12:19 am
by BlackCanopus
One of my zebra finches is sick. She's almost a year old. Her name is Athena. I love them very much and I'm very worried. I'd greatly appreciate any help.

Thank you very much for all your help.

The symptoms:

Day 1 and 2, her feathers were not tidy.

The third day, she was weak and puffed up. But her appetite was good. Her poop was watery, glue like.

The fourth day, yesterday, she was very puffed up and got very sick. Her eyes were half closed.

Her appetite was good, but her diet was changed.
She preferred calcium pieces and egg shells. Ate a lot of that. She ate a little seed, but showed no interest in Duckweed, green, fresh plant material, that she loves.

Her companion, Artemis, did not let her sleep next to her. They always sleep together. For the first time ever, she slept on my computer desk. I observed her closely.

I did not want to make her uncomfortable by catching and placing her in a warm place. So I turned on all the heaters at my home. By midnight, it was very warm, I think 30° Celsius.

While she was sleeping, when I moved or made a noise, she did not open her eyes. Just turned her head towards me.

Her vent area is completely clean.
At night she did not poop. I observed her several hours, but did not notice poop. At morning, she pooped. Her poop is not normal.

Size smaller than average. Not normal.
Shape elliptical, almost like normal.
Feces is dark yellow. Inclining towards orange. Not normal.
Urates is white. Normal.
Urine, no color. Normal.
No smell.

Vomiting and smell:
At night I noticed a strong odour, stronger than average. It was strong Finch smell, plus a new smell that reminded me of a sick person.
She threw up several times. Shaked her head up and down, brought something up, and then I heard tick tick sounds of small, hard things dropping on the desk. I couldn't see them, it was dark. Millet or eggshells, perhaps.
When she threw up, I noticed Finch smell got a lot stronger.

At morning, today, she seemed a little better. Her appetite is good, but exactly like yesterday. Eats lots of calcium and eggshells. She's not puffed up; perhaps because our home is warm.

I left her home and came to work, but I'm very worried. I have planned these:

Feed her boiled egg whites.
Add Apple cedar vinegar to her drinking water. I don't know what it does, but I heard it's good.
Perhaps add some amoxicillin to her drinking water?
I do not have access to a vet, but I'll find one if I have to.

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 2:48 am
by Flight Feathers
Hello, first things first, I would recommend a hospital cage and keep her well away from your other finch. How old is she? Can you feel an egg? Could she be egg bound? I’ve never heard of vomiting in finches - perhaps something she ate? Continue to keep her warm and perhaps she needs humidity? (If she is egg bound) eating lots of calcium does make it seem like egg binding but vomiting would be sickness. Is the other finch showing any symptoms of being sick?

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 2:49 am
by Flight Feathers

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:33 am
by BlackCanopus
Hi she's almost one year old.
I didn't want to catch and touch her, or put her in a hospital cage, because it makes her uncomfortable, but I'll do it when I go home.

I'll increase room humidity.

The other Finch is okay. Doesn't show any of those signs.

I'm not sure about being eggbound. I suspected it, because she did not poop. But when she did this morning, I thought she's not eggbound. I suspected something else.

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:34 am
by BlackCanopus
Flight Feathers wrote: lovezebs
Should I contact her/him?

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:52 am
by Flight Feathers
BlackCanopus wrote: Hi she's almost one year old.
I didn't want to catch and touch her, or put her in a hospital cage, because it makes her uncomfortable, but I'll do it when I go home.

I'll increase room humidity.

The other Finch is okay. Doesn't show any of those signs.

I'm not sure about being eggbound. I suspected it, because she did not poop. But when she did this morning, I thought she's not eggbound. I suspected something else.
Okay not old age then. She needs to be in a hospital cage with three sides of the cage covered. A wheat bag or hot water bottle with towel over top (so it’s not too hot) may be good. And just makes sure she’s in a really quiet place. I’m glad the other finch is fine.

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:53 am
by Flight Feathers
BlackCanopus wrote:
Flight Feathers wrote: lovezebs
Should I contact her/him?
I just tagged her on the thread as she may know what to do.

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 5:30 am
by BlackCanopus
Thank you

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:30 am
by Fraza
BlackCanopus well she can still be egg bound even if they are pooping but it doesn’t sound like egg bound in my opinion due to vomiting I’m saying it’s an infection of some sort if you are close to any pet shops they should sell liquids that you can add to the water that has loads of vitamins and minerals in add a drop of this ato the water and she should perk up and yes keep her in a cage it’s probably tiring if she’s having to fly far for food and water

Keep us updated


Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:19 am
by BlackCanopus
Hello again, and sorry for spamming the forum.

I arrived at home.
They were waiting for me behind the window. She's feeling a lot better. She's active, not puffed up, and hanging around with her companion. Her companion does not chase her around anymore.

Home temperature 34° Celsius.

But it doesn't mean the danger has passed. I investigated her droppings, and among the yellow feces, I found small pieces of undigested eggshells, and seeds. Seems she cannot digest her food properly.

I'll be taking her to a bird vet tommorow, but for now, I would still benefit from any guidance you may kindly offer.

By the way, should I give her some Apple vinegar? And how?

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 4:30 pm
by Flight Feathers
BlackCanopus wrote: Hello again, and sorry for spamming the forum.

I arrived at home.
They were waiting for me behind the window. She's feeling a lot better. She's active, not puffed up, and hanging around with her companion. Her companion does not chase her around anymore.

Home temperature 34° Celsius.

But it doesn't mean the danger has passed. I investigated her droppings, and among the yellow feces, I found small pieces of undigested eggshells, and seeds. Seems she cannot digest her food properly.

I'll be taking her to a bird vet tommorow, but for now, I would still benefit from any guidance you may kindly offer.

By the way, should I give her some Apple vinegar? And how?
Glad to hear she’s perked up a little. Not sure about apple cider vinegar... is it safe for birds? I usually give my birds collidal silver.

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 1:39 pm
by BlackCanopus
Flight Feathers wrote: Glad to hear she’s perked up a little. Not sure about apple cider vinegar... is it safe for birds? I usually give my birds collidal silver.
Today I took her to the vet. Apparently, she had some kind of infection. He was surprised that she was able to recover. She's a strong little birdie. I also found out that the other finch is sick as well. He prescribed Tetracycline.

He also said that apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy that may be beneficial.

Thank you for your support. :-BD

Re: Zebra Finch very sick, vomit, yellow poop, etc. Please h

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 3:59 pm
by Flight Feathers
BlackCanopus wrote:
Flight Feathers wrote: Glad to hear she’s perked up a little. Not sure about apple cider vinegar... is it safe for birds? I usually give my birds collidal silver.
Today I took her to the vet. Apparently, she had some kind of infection. He was surprised that she was able to recover. She's a strong little birdie. I also found out that the other finch is sick as well. He prescribed Tetracycline.

He also said that apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy that may be beneficial.

Thank you for your support. :-BD
So glad they are recovering now!

Oh wow I never knew that was a natural remedy.