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White droppings! Please help.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 4:55 am
by KazeXIII
Hi everyone,

I have recently bought 12 zebra finches from a breeder. (4 weeks) He was keeping them in an aviary outside.
I noticed one of the male finches was acting weird last week. He was sitting at the bottom of the cage, spending a lot of time in the food dish, and had weird droppings. I separated it from the rest and is now in it's solo cage in a warm room. I have been giving it ACV and do not have any other medications on hand.
The poop has a solid white (or pale yellow) part and a transparent liquid part. It is also very big. He also has lost some feathers around the neck (could have been because of other finches) and seems very small and thin. The crop seems to bulge a little when he eats seeds, and he seems to be always hungry. He has been more active since I moved it to the hospital cage, if I stand near him he acts like he wants me to give him something by jumping towards me. If I feed him some veggies the poop becomes a little greener. Other than ACV and some veggies he gets white millet and finch seeds, sometimes egg with egg shells.
I looked on many different websites and could not find any information about his problem. I am very worried that it is some bacterial or parasite infection and the other finches could have it too. They are nesting now and have eggs so it would be bad if they pass it on. Maybe something that was dormant and became active due to changing environments and stress.
Here is a short video of him today

Re: White droppings! Please help.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:09 am
by Icearstorm

Since droppings have three sections, there are a few things that could be going on here. He could be forming no feces, only urates and urine, which could be caused by impaction. However, if he has been like this for a week, this is unlikely. Alternatively, he could be producing urine, urates, and feces, but the feces would have to be light-colored opposed to the normal brownish. This site indicates that white feces may be pancreatic/digestive issues. This would make sense considering he is underweight and seems perpetually hungry. An electrolyte solution might provide some temporary relief, but it won't solve the problem. I'm not sure there's any way you could treat this at home, but a heat lamp on one side of the cage could provide him with some extra warmth to help him fight off any infection he might have (just make sure he can get away from the heat if he likes).

Re: White droppings! Please help.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 4:11 pm
by KazeXIII
Thanks for your reply. Today I noticed his poop has changed a little (has a greener color) and he is also throwing up, has less energy. But is still eating food.

I want to purchase some medications in case the other finches show signs too, but I am not sure what is good to have on hand.

Re: White droppings! Please help.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 1:19 pm
by Icearstorm

Hmm, I'm not sure I can help. Some people use broad-spectrum antibiotics when they don't know what the problem is, but this isn't advisable in most scenarios since it can create antibiotic resistance and might not even do anything useful.

Re: White droppings! Please help.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:58 pm
by vafa
for medication try to reach a vet. other than that it seems your finch feces has become more natural. it is probably because of sudden change or the different diet.

Re: White droppings! Please help.

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 3:49 pm
by Polished
hmmm, firstly, i would check the droppings in case of bacterial/protozoal or, God forbid, fungal infection. Are there any vets in your area who can check the dropping samples?