Slanty Leg - Ideas?

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Slanty Leg - Ideas?

Post by bikardos » Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:37 pm

I just bought two male zebra finches -- my first birds. They were the only two left, so I took them both, even though one has a leg that sticks out to the side. It's not obviously broken but sticks straight out at around a 40-degree angle. He's able to grip with his toes and can perch, although the slanty leg tends to slide out if the perch is a bit slippery! He doesn't favor it and it doesn't seem to bother him at all.

Any ideas as to whether this is a broken limb or a birth defect? If it's broken, is an avian vet able to repair it? I appreciate any advice anyone can give me. So does Slant!

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Post by Hilary » Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:35 am

I know that splayed legs in chicks can be caused by a variety of reasons, but the most common causes are calcium deficiency and lack of good footing in the nest. I've heard of people rigging up hobbles to tie legs close when they're little and still growing, for for a grown bird it may be too late (plus the stress of a fix when he seems to be coping fine may make it not worth it). I'd think having one or two perches with a rougher surface (like cement perches) that are less slippery may help him out. That's my two cents - good luck!


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Post by bikardos » Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:55 pm

Thanks for the good info, Hillary. Now that I have the right terminology and your basics to go on, I can do a bit more research -- but I think you're right in thinking that since it doesn't seem to affect him much, I should probably go the route of providing solid footing and letting him just enjoy life. I've been using sandpaper covers on the perches, but a cement perch sounds more practical. Thanks again! -- B

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