Development Difference

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Development Difference

Post by Dragonwolf1989 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:15 am

I posted in another post about my Java babies, and how I lost the smallest one.

Recently the dad has been ripping the newspaper for nesting material again, which is all in vain since I haven't returned the nest when I removed the babies.

Despite the fact that I won't let them have another clutch till next spring, it still got me thinking.

Is it normal for babies to have a delay in development? Baby seemed fine the first week, but didn't seem to grow as fast as the others during the second week. Baby is the one on the bottom in the first picture, and the only pinky in the next.

If Baby hadn't passed would the delay have cause any problem? Or would Baby be just fine? If future clutches has any babies that have the same issue should I prepare myself for losing a few babies?

PS. Since the dad is in the mood for a new clutch, is it best if I don't place the babies with their parents? I currently have them in another cage.
Taken the day before Baby's passing. Oct/18.
Taken the day before Baby's passing. Oct/18.

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Re: Development Difference

Post by Babs _Owner » Sat Nov 04, 2017 8:05 am


I'm new to raising javas myself. Did you remove the whole clutch to hand feed them?

I tried looking it up online and could only find information on it in hookbill chicks.

It's odd, because his skin looks healthy and hydrated. If he was getting fed like the others, it may be just one of those things that can occur in any clutch and out in nature.

If it happens in the next clutches it may be a genetic issue with the parents. I'm curious if you see this in the next clutch.

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Re: Development Difference

Post by lovezebs » Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:35 am


There are times when we just don't know what happened. Here is an article which you might find interesting, and which may possibly explain what happened. ... thrive.php

Usually if I see a chick falling behind it's siblings, I would attempt supplement feedings, to bring it up to par with the others.

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Re: Development Difference

Post by Dragonwolf1989 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 12:27 pm

I'm curious about future clutches too, Babs.
All three of them have different markings on their face and wings.
Baby who passed on had the most amount of white on the wings.

I would have attempted supplements feedings too lovezebs, if I was sure that the Parents wouldn't freak out and abandon the nest. They were hand-raised so I wasn't sure where their boundaries were.
They didn't seem to have any issue with me taking their babies, though come to think of it, they still liked to jump on my hand and nibble it when the babies were still in the nest.

The babies-turned-fledglings are now in their new cage and the oldest, Cutie, begs for food only to get moisture. Cutie is eating on her own, while the other two still rely on me.
I've uploaded a video of them since my photographing skills are terrible. Cutie is the one in the right side of the food tray, Dot is the one next to her and Leonard is the one that's preening himself.

And before you ask, yes, I'm assuming their sexes. And yes, they all have weird names that don't match each other.
This is the video of their parents.
This is their Parents old cage-mate that I had to move out due to injuries.
For some reason all my adult birds are skittish when I bring out my camera. Hence no good photos of them. I have yet to figure out a way to capture their cute moments on camera.

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Re: Development Difference

Post by Dragonwolf1989 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 12:50 pm

I took over 100 photos today and only these two were usable.

This one is the only good photo I've taken that showcases Cutie's facial markings.

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Re: Development Difference

Post by lovezebs » Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:30 pm


Hi Pearl,

I love your videos, and your pictures, thanks for sharing.

Your birds are beautiful, and the babies are adorable.

Parents who were handfed will not mind their babies being offered some supplemental feedings. My Gouldians who were 'not' handfed, would take the opportunity to have a nice relaxed bath and a good meal when I would borrow their babies :D . It was like, here take them for a while, so we can take a little break .

Birds do get used to cameras, (in my case my phone) if they see them often enough. Some of my birds will come right up so close, that all I get is a blur of colour, because they are looking right into the lense.

Regarding Cutie's markings, they might fade or disappear with age or after the first molt. I didn't know what colours my guys would be until after their first adult molt.

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