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Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:09 pm
by 6finchfriends
Has anyone ever hatched a chick from a bubbled egg?
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:39 pm
by love4finches
Great Pics!!! Love them. Very clever. I'm sure those pics have helped new breeders like myself. I got curious after your pics and candled my eggs and all are fertile. I'm very excited. I have two pair on eggs and a lone male I'm trying to pair up once my other post is answered. I'm too new to figure this out all by myself. Great forum. Nice people. Love to read the posts. I'm learning alot.
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:31 pm
by EyesofFreedom
I have to say awesome job on the pics!!!
My pair of zebras have made thier first clutch and after about 7 days of incubating I couldnt control myself anymore and had to candle the eggs to be sure and they look like pic #5
Once again thanks for the pic!!! I can sleep better knowing the eggs are fertile... Now I just have to wait...
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:16 am
by barbwil
Those are some amazing pictures! I didn't think you could do that (see the inside) of a finch egg...
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:13 pm
by PsyBirdy
I have 4 societies in 1 nest with 13 eggs.
I candled them today and it seems 6 are duds....
I also candled 4 zebra eggs... The yolk floated to the top on all 4.... Does that mean not viable? ... in this case do I just remove them?
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:42 am
by douglerner
I found the photos interesting. But I'm not quite clear if my java sparrows current eggs are fertilized or not. I suspect not, because they never are. But what is THE main indicator? If the yellow starts turning red?
Usually the yolk looks clear. Today I thought I saw some ridges or bumps, so wanted to be sure before discarding them.
You can visit my java sparrows, Mon and Monta at my blog: They are extremely tame.
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:37 pm
by Mellew
1) I purchased a new male for my female GS finch who successfully had clutches with her previous mate who died. I never candled eggs before or even worried about it because as a beginner, everything went fine on its own.
Right now, this new pair are sitting on their second set of eggs. The first set they incubated for over 14 days and until the female gave up. I took them out and there was nothing but yellow yolks in the eggs.
They have been sitting on this second set for nine days (give or take a day). I don't want them to sit 24/7 on infertile eggs so I found and bought a "bore" light which is basically a small LED light on a flexible neck. In the dark I put it next to the eggs and they just look like yellow yolks in the eggs again. I am nervous that I don't know what I am doing. Any advice?
2) Why would this pair be laying infertile eggs?
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:26 pm
by mr.ownfinch
im confused now my finch egg has a small embryo inside with some yolk and a air bubble but no viens is it alive?
ikhom wrote:
[ [url=] ][/url]
Yesterday I took a picture of an egg (Green Singer) that was incubated for 3 days. I knew that it is possible to see if an egg is fertile or not before the recommended 5 days. Sometimes it is possible to see after 2 days of incubation, but this is my first picture at such a stage. I can't be sure that it will develop. The Air Cell is located on the pointed end of the egg. I assumed that it was supposed to be on the round end. But I could be wrong.
For comparison I put the collage with my earlier pictures. What I know for sure:
[ [url=] ][/url]
1- Freshly laid egg. (All freshly laid eggs look alike, with small Air Cells on the round sides of the eggs);
2- Old infertile egg. (It was incubated for about two weeks. Air Cell is much bigger, because of the moisture lost);
3- Egg after three days of incubation (my latest picture);
4- I removed this egg after being incubated for two weeks. It came from fertile pair. Originally I thought
that it was infertile, but after comparing it with the egg-3, it looks more like an early embryo death.
5- This was fertile egg after 5 days of incubation. I got a Green Singer from it.
6- This egg with a late embryo death. The chick was almost developed when my hen had stopped sitting on the eggs.
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:31 am
by ikhom
mr.ownfinch wrote:
im confused now my finch egg has a small embryo inside with some yolk and a air bubble but no viens is it alive?
How long the egg was incubated? If it was a week or over than it is very likely the egg is dead.
I would check the egg in a few more days and if you don't see any changes, than it is dead.
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:38 am
by mr.ownfinch
its been over a week and more that's what i thought i don't want to throw it away ill wait til the hatch date to see if it grows or births thnks
ikhom wrote:
mr.ownfinch wrote:
im confused now my finch egg has a small embryo inside with some yolk and a air bubble but no viens is it alive?
How long the egg was incubated? If it was a week or over than it is very likely the egg is dead.
I would check the egg in a few more days and if you don't see any changes, than it is dead.
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 5:23 pm
by Prism
These are great! Thanks for posting. I used the pics as a reference today for candling 23 eggs. Does anyone have a pic of an egg close to hatching? I have one that doesn't look like any of these.
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:33 am
by bluesun0046
Thank you for the pics and description. It was presented in a very informative and interesting manner and will help many people that are in doubt.
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 11:04 am
by Devilsrush76
How do you pick the eggs up without them breaking, the egg are so fragile (zebra finch)
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 7:16 pm
by Icearstorm
Plastic spoon, or just wash your hands and gently pick them up with two or three fingers. I don't pick them up to candle, though; I've got a tiny pinlight that I stick behind each egg with them all still in the nest box.
Re: Egg Candling with pictures
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 3:00 am
by pajaroscanarios
These are excellent photos greetings