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Rockport Roost Avian Supplies - 30% Morning Bird Products

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:42 am
by bugaboo5
Happy New Year, everyone! :)

For those who might want to stock up on Morning Bird medications/supplements, Rockport Roost Avian Supplies has a 30% off special they've been running for the past 7+ months. They have really great prices on other bird products as well, so if the shipping cost is reasonable to your area and you want to stock up on some medications/supplements for your emergency kits, I would encourage you to take a look at Rockport Roost Avian Supplies.

If anything, I would highly recommend that everyone keep liquid calcium on hand for possible egg binding scenarios. I can attest to the fact that liquid calcium can save lives!!!! :) My three definite must-haves is SCATT, Worm Away, and Liquid Calcium (I use Calciboost or Calcium Plus).

***Edit: Sorry everyone, but apparently shopping on the website is not allowed until January 12, 2014 due to the owner(s) being out of the country. I just realized now, as I was trying to do some shopping myself.***