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Re: Leaning and shaking canary

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:17 pm
by Stuart whiting
cindy wrote: that is birds can get cocci over and over again if the environment is not clean or new birds are introduced that carry, it is shed through feces.
Hi cindy,

I'm not disagreeing with you as such because I do actually know that yes adult birds do carry coccidiosis in their bodies at times but adults are normally immune to this and very rarely show any symptoms :roll:
And for this reason few birds are rarely lost,

In 36 years of breeding and exhibiting birds I've not once ever lost an adult bird through coccidiosis and don't know of anyone else who has eaither :mrgreen:

I fully understand how the birds get the waisting disease and like I mentioned earlier that it's normally very young birds that die from this simply because their immune system is to weak and yes they do pick it up through the birds feces, normally the feces from their parents once the birds have fledged from the nest as youl notice that a youngster will never get coccidiosis whilst in the nest, always from the time of fledgling to the first moult

Here in the uk there are many British bird breeders and exhibitors that breed a very good number of quality greenfinches every year including myself over the years and the greenfinch is terrible for going light as soon as they've fledged, this is something that we've always delt with by using the sulphur drugs,
I personally don't like using to many drugs and tonics on birds but in these sought of cases we obviously have to take these measures,

We normally use coxi plus from versa laga ( Belgium product ) or Baycox :D

Re: Leaning and shaking canary

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:18 pm
by cindy
Adult birds in great condition can carry coccidia and pass it without showing signs or symptoms. They do not become immune to it, it is a parasite and can pick it up and get it again if exposed to it. The young get hit hard due to their immune system in immature, still developing.

I use baycox too as a preventative when a new finch is in quarantine.

There are different sulfa drugs here, the one most commonly recommended here is very gentle on the GI tract with little to no side effects... of course after treating always use probiotics to help rebuild the gut flora.

Tri sulfa does work slower than baytril (can't be used on young birds under 21 days old)... we found in some tough cases the birds need a little long course of it.

Cocci is nasty, the parasites get into the gut lining, secondary infections and sometimes yeasts are issues on the really ill ones.

Re: Leaning and shaking canary

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:21 pm
by Stuart whiting
cindy wrote: Adult birds in great condition can carry coccidia and pass it without showing signs or symptoms. They do not become immune to it, it is a parasite and can pick it up and get it again if exposed to it. The young get hit hard due to their immune system in immature, still developing.

I use baycox too as a preventative when a new finch is in quarantine.

There are different sulfa drugs here, the one most commonly recommended here is very gentle on the GI tract with little to no side effects... of course after treating always use probiotics to help rebuild the gut flora.

Tri sulfa does work slower than baytril (can't be used on young birds under 21 days old)... we found in some tough cases the birds need a little long course of it.

Cocci is nasty, the parasites get into the gut lining, secondary infections and sometimes yeasts are issues on the really ill ones.
Hi cindy,

I know exactly what what you mean,

I try to put it another way, when I say adult birds are immune to it , what I'm trying to say is yea sure I know that an adult bird can pick it again if exposed to it but the birds actual immune system seems to deal with it as I've mentioned that I've personally never lost an adult bird which may of picked it up because they don't actually show any symptoms unlike the young birds immune system simply cannot fight it :roll:

I fully understand in where yer coming from cindy and do respect your knowledge as far as avian medication goes,

To be onest since I've joined the forum I've noticed how much many bird fanciers from the United States are very much into their bird medication :D

I'm personally not really a lover of using a multitude of drugs and tonics etc as I don't really believe in a lot of stuff on the market as I think a lot of it is unnecessary if a proper diet and clean husbandry etc is taken :mrgreen:

It's just me, I'm a little old school and only use certain drugs if I feel there really necessary :D

Re: Leaning and shaking canary

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:40 pm
by cindy
The one thing to stress is how important quarantine is, quarantine and preventatives can help reduce issues in the future.

I took a quarantine protocol to my vet to review, it outlined when to use the preventatives, what they were and what they are used for. She also reviewed the foods I use too. Any questions I email her or have our daughter ask her.

I do agree there is a lot of medication misuse, sometimes unnecessary preventatives given throughout the year and an over use of vitamins, mineral supplements, too much is not always a good thing. Medicines should be used when called for. Clean environment and a good diet is a must.

May I ask what product you use for cleaning cages for weekly maintenance? I use Virkon S.

Re: Leaning and shaking canary

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:35 pm
by Stuart whiting
cindy wrote: The one thing to stress is how important quarantine is, quarantine and preventatives can help reduce issues in the future.

I took a quarantine protocol to my vet to review, it outlined when to use the preventatives, what they were and what they are used for. She also reviewed the foods I use too. Any questions I email her or have our daughter ask her.

I do agree there is a lot of medication misuse, sometimes unnecessary preventatives given throughout the year and an over use of vitamins, mineral supplements, too much is not always a good thing. Medicines should be used when called for. Clean environment and a good diet is a must.

May I ask what product you use for cleaning cages for weekly maintenance? I use Virkon S.
Hi cindy,

Totally agree in what you say, birds are not particularly cheap these days especially the harder to find rarer species and we obviously need to do what we we can for them but at the same time without the OTT pampering,

I'm perhaps a little hard with my my birds really, what I mean by this is as much as I love em and care for em , I try to breed to high exhibition stds and if any off my birds should fall ill, of course I'll try to save it making sure it's not near any drafts in the birdroom etc, I may put the bird in a hospital cage with a heat lamp, especially if a hen could be egg bound, this normally happens in cold weather change,

If the bird makes it and pulls through then I'm more than happy but if the bird should die on me I certainly won't loose any sleep over it, reason being is that we all lose birds at some time or other and is just easier for me to accept it if that sought of makes sence,