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new baby

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:23 pm
by mohum
My mostly green female has managed to hatch one baby. It looks like her at the moment even though dad is yellow but it is too early to tell properly. I was worried that the nest was too shallow but with only one baby I am hoping it will not fall out. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will survive to fledge.

Re: new baby

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:18 pm
by Stuart whiting
mohum wrote: My mostly green female has managed to hatch one baby. It looks like her at the moment even though dad is yellow but it is too early to tell properly. I was worried that the nest was too shallow but with only one baby I am hoping it will not fall out. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will survive to fledge.
Hi there ,

There's no reason why the youngster should fall out, surprisingly a lot of canary nest are quite shallow and most canaries seem ok,

The youngster should be reared with no problem at all as canaries are generally quite good rearers,

Try giving some egg food on a daily basis along with a little bit if broccoli or lettuce, with this little extra food source everything should be fine :mrgreen: