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Is this odd behavior ?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 6:04 pm
by lem2bert
I have two canaries one is suppose to be a female and one is a male. They are in a flight cage together and get along fine. The one that is suppose to be a female is a little bossy, but the male just lets her have her way. They have never fought or hurt each other. My question is I noticed that sometime the male will get on a higher perch and the female will get on a lower one and reach up and open her mouth the male will reach over her and open his, then they will fly off the perches and she will try to land on top of him and he will fly away. Is this normal female behavior or does anyone think that I might have two males ? Please any help from anyone familiar with canaries would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :?

Re: Is this odd behavior ?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:50 pm
by jonvill
That happened to me once. I thought I had a pair in a large flight cage only to discover I had two male canaries in the same cage!

Re: Is this odd behavior ?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:15 pm
by lem2bert
Thank-you so much for you're reply Jonvill, I also think I have two males but unless they fight I will let them stay together ! Thank-you again :D

Re: Is this odd behavior ?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 5:42 pm
by Stuart whiting
It's possible that you could have two cock canaries in the same cage but if its during the breeding season be very careful because if they are cocks you'll definitely need to separate them as they will then continuesly fight with one another,

In 30 odd years of breeding canaries there isn't one time I can say wear two cocks will not fight during the breeding season :roll:

Re: Is this odd behavior ?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:29 pm
by lem2bert
Thank-you Stuart, I will watch very carefully for any kind of aggressive behavior. Thank-you again !!

Re: Is this odd behavior ?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:29 pm
by Stuart whiting
lem2bert wrote: Thank-you Stuart, I will watch very carefully for any kind of aggressive behavior. Thank-you again !!
No worries mate, glad I can help :mrgreen:

Re: Is this odd behavior ?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:04 am
by Dave
If two males are in the same cage, frequently only one of them will sing. That just adds to the confusion, because we think the non-singing one is a hen. It is best to keep them in separate cages, even if they aren't fighting right now.

Re: Is this odd behavior ?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:58 am
by Stuart whiting
Dave wrote: If two males are in the same cage, frequently only one of them will sing. That just adds to the confusion, because we think the non-singing one is a hen. It is best to keep them in separate cages, even if they aren't fighting right now.
Quite agree =D>

Re: Is this odd behavior ?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:10 am
by lem2bert
Thank-you all very much for you're help. I am going to take you're advice and separate them.