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Canary Hen Left Nest/Hatchlings

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 4:07 pm
by maratallah
Hi everybody,
my Canary hen that just had two eggs hatched last week (8 days and 7 days old), did not sleep in her nest this evening. Is this normal? or is this a sign that she abandoned her brood? Should I have to consider hand feeding the chicks? I don't know if she fed them today since I was at work all day.
Thank you.

Any urgent reply is appreciated.
Best regards

Re: Detailed Handfeeding for Newbies

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:08 am
by Sally
maratallah I'm going to move this post into its own thread so that it might be seen more easily by other members who may be able to advise you. I'll put it in the All Things Canary forum, and I'll title it Canary Hen Left Nest/Hatchlings.

Welcome to the forum! There's lots of good reading at, though most of the articles are geared more to finch care. If you put your general location in your profile, it makes it easier for members to answer locale-specific questions later on.

Re: Canary Hen Left Nest/Hatchlings

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:30 am
by mohum
I have one baby in the nest of a similar age to yours. The mother is leaving the nest for longer periods now. Can you see if your babies crops are full? I have no experience of hand feeding but would probably not interfere anyway but let nature take it's course. My birds are aviary bred. It may be easier with indoor birds.

Re: Canary Hen Left Nest/Hatchlings

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:03 am
by Stuart whiting
Yep this is quite normal for the hen to now leave the young in the nest and now sleep on a perch,

As the young start to near a week old onwards there obviously becomes less room in the nest,

By this stage the youngsters should start to have pin feathers coming through and the new feather growth will keep em warm of a night time, with these summer conditions that we've been experiencing laterally the birds certainly won't be cold as this is quite normal anyway :mrgreen:

Just keep an eye on em to see if there still being fed, under normal circumstances there's no reason why they shouldn't be fed :D

Re: Canary Hen Left Nest/Hatchlings

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 4:03 pm
by maratallah
Thank you all very much for your replies which were very much appreciated. This morning the parents were feeding the young normally, and now (night time) I found her sleeping (standing actually) in the nest.
Thank you Sally for creating the new thread for my query. I am knew to this, and the only way I found to post my question yesterday was through an already existing thread.

Have a good evening all.

Re: Canary Hen Left Nest/Hatchlings

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 1:15 pm
by maratallah
Dear All, Canary female just died in her nest today, she has one two days old chick, 1 1 day and an egg.
Need quick advice on how to hand feed the chicks and every how many hours.
I have powder "Raff" food that is especially for chicks that I am using with a syringue. I am afraid to suffocate them with the amount of food especially when it escapes their mouths.
Any information would help.
Thank you

Re: Canary Hen Left Nest/Hatchlings

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 1:35 pm
by lovezebs

Where is your male?
Give him a chance to raise his chicks.

My male, was the one to do most of the feeding when my pair had chicks.

If handfeeding, i would be very cautious with a syringe (unless you are very experienced). Personally I feed with a tooth pick. Some people use a glass eyedropper with a very skinny tip (one tiny drop at a time).

Good luck.

Re: Canary Hen Left Nest/Hatchlings

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 3:11 am
by maratallah
I fed them a little yesterday. They survived the night. This morning reintroduced the nest to the male. Nothing yet. They are sleeping all the time and not asking for food. Will see what will happen today. The last egg did not hatch.
Best regards