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Prices and singing

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:23 am
by Cynbad
Do male canaries sing only at a certain time of day?
How much would you pay for a yellow male?

Re: Prices and singing

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:44 am
by lovezebs

It depends on the individual birds and the time of the year.

Here in Canada, my guys moult in the Summer, and start singing again in the Fall. They will start singing at sunrise and sunset, then build up until they are singing all day long.

Yellow males (depending where you live) can range between $40.00 to well over a $100.00 and up depending on what type of Canary you are looking for. If you can find a breeder, you will usually be able to find a bird for less money than if you go through a Pet Shop.

Re: Prices and singing

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:30 pm
by Sheather
My experience is that canaries will sing most alone in a small cage, but they are happiest with more space and company. All of mine have lived with a female partner at least and all of them still sing off and on through the day. Usually in the morning and at sunset they will sing most vigorously, taking a break midday.

All of the males I have had also sing all year, though they do so least in the summer molt. My Milo now is molting, but still sings two or three short songs a day.

A purebred canary goes for average $75 from a breeder while a mixed breed/kitchen type canary can be as low as $40. All of them will be closer to $150 at a shop, color doesn't matter and some stores will charge more than $200 for a plain yellow bird!