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Surround sound?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:02 pm
by Harley2013
Franklin is in the living room and so are we at night. We have a surround sound and when hubby comes home he utilizes it. Sometimes, I hate it. I think its too loud, but it's probably not. I just don't like it. But is it too loud for Franklin? He is about 5 feet away from one of the smaller speakers and it isn't aiming at him directly. It is kinda more inward from his cage placement. But there are times I talk to Franklin on my way to the kitchen or out of the room.mhe seems to be breathing " a little " heavy, I don't know if I have startled him or if he is scared from surround sound. Are budgies very sensitive with loud noises?

Re: Surround sound?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:07 pm
by Sheather
Yes. The surround sound may very well be torturous to your bird, who's hearing is superior to yours. Birds may enjoy quiet background music, not blaring noises. If it's on at night when he needs to sleep, that is a huge no-no and he needs to be moved well away from the noise.

Re: Surround sound?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:12 pm
by Harley2013
Should budgies be covered at night as well? I have read conflating things. My finches I do not cover.

Re: Surround sound?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:35 pm
by Sheather
All birds need to be covered if they cannot be kept in a completely darkened and unused room at night.

Re: Surround sound?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:03 pm
by Harley2013
Okay, thank you. It has been since I was a child I have had a budgie. Learning all over again. Lol! My finches are in my dining room, and in a double flight. So it is a little too large to cover, but they each have their own spots for sleeping and we don't use dining room at night. No lights on, and light traffic.