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Respiratory Infection?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:57 am
by Justino222
Hello to all! I have 2 parakeets and love them dearly. I just moved them into my 2nd bedroom about 2 months ago and looking at them today I noticed a faint orange stain above the females nostrils? Both of them also are bobbing their tails and droop their wings just a tad but do not seem to sneeze often. They are eating and drinking well and I would like to know if there is something I can do to help them get better? I know I can take them too the vet and I will if no other suggestions. I really appreciate any and all advice :)

P.S it is cooler here at night in PA and I had the cage in front of the window (wasn't a problem in the summer) but I have a space heater in there now which keeps it at 75 degrees. Just put it in there last night.

Re: Respiratory Infection?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:07 pm
by cindy
sounds like an upper respiratory... since you are seeing discharge from the nostrils you may want to consider a vet visit... the vet will likely put them on an antibiotic like Baytril. Check the room... are you using any type of air freshener, any molds? Are you using any type of strong cleaner, paint? Are you using any hang on the cage mite protectors... they can cause health issues.

Re: Respiratory Infection?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:13 pm
by Justino222
I don't use any of those things. If I do use cleaners, they are all natural. They seem to be a lot more active since I raised the temp in the room. Taking them to vet Monday. Thanks so much for your reply. :) :)