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Housing red rump parrots

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:39 pm
by vienneparis
I'm considering getting a bonded pair of red rump parrots and mulling over where I would house them. I have a fairly large aviary with 4 cockatiels and a smaller aviary with 6 bourkes. Should I house the red rumps with the cockatiels or the bourkes?

Re: Housing red rump parrots

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:22 am
by vinay
I have a pair of red rumps as well as tiels and Bourkes.

They should do okay with your other birds as long as no nest boxes or nesting opportunities are provided .
The male red rumps tend to get very aggressive during the breeding season. They have even been known to attack their own older chicks.

I personally would house them with the tiels taking size into account. Bourkes in my opinion are too mellow and will not stand up for themselves if challenged.

Make sure you have a spare cage ready in case you have to separate the red rumps. They sometimes get aggressive with the onset of the breeding season even without any nestboxes provided.

Good luck !

Re: Housing red rump parrots

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:36 pm
by vienneparis
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm leaning toward putting them with the cockatiels because that aviary is pretty big so hopefully territory won't be an issue. I do have extra cages in case the red rumps won't play nice :D

Do you keep your red rumps with tiels or Bourkes?

Re: Housing red rump parrots

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:15 am
by Colt
I would say house them with the tiels and keep a very close eye on them while breeding. A friend has some and she keeps them paired singly. As soon as the chicks fledged she had to separate the male where he was still able to feed the chicks through the wire as he was very aggressive towards them.

Re: Housing red rump parrots

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:59 am
by vinay

I keep them all separately in flight cages so I have no issue with fighting. I only have one pair of Bourkes and Red rumps at the moment .
I used to house my red rumps with budgies and the tiels in an indoor aviary in the past

I rehomed all of my tiels to only keep one hand raised Albino chick indoors. The budgies occupy the aviary now and all seem much happier this way :) .

Re: Housing red rump parrots

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:51 am
by vienneparis
I'll go with the tiels and will keep close eyes on them as you suggested.

I'd like to consolidate the flock as much as possible and cut down on the number of cages. I have too many cages right now with various finches & canaries, on top of the 4 aviaries. I went a bit overboard with the birds :oops:

Re: Housing red rump parrots

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:54 am
by Colt
I think we all know the

Re: Housing red rump parrots

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:10 am
by cindy
It is strongly recommended to house red rumps separately. I housed mine separately since the males can get aggressive. Several of the bigger breeders agree on the grasskeet group that you posted the same question.