Glad to hear you and your quail are doing well! Your little roo does sound like a little darling (and a bit of a turd!) You're still taking him on walks with his little harness? Bummer about the hen's feather's being stained, but I bet your right that it'll go away with the molt. What kind of wood shavings are you using? Just pine?
Buttons are said to be monogamous by about 50% of people and said to do fine in colonies by the other half. I have a friend who currently has 13 button pairs and she has a near constant game of "Musical Quail" going on, in which she has to swap out various birds because they randomly decide they hate their partner. Honestly, I think it may have something to do with space; everything online tells you that they only need 1 square foot per bird, but they are nervous birds who seem to need room to stretch their legs. I think cabin fever sets in after a bit.
Being confined to my tiny finch hospital cage seemed to do the trick for my little gal. I was rather hesitant to pull her from her mate, since these birds stress quite a bit by themselves, but her mate was so busy protecting/taking care of her that I think he was doing some harm. (He kept moving her from food to water to shelter and back again. It was very sweet to watch, but didn't leave her enough room for rest, I don't think.) She honestly was hurting so badly that it took her nearly a week to seem to notice she was alone and start to call to the other quail. But now you can't even tell that anything was wrong, much to my surprise. (I figured she was in for a permanent limp.)
Exciting about the new hatch! I've started to get the itch for babies again, but can't indulge the desire. I'll have to enjoy littles vicariously through you!