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What to mix in my new aviary

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:12 pm
by Hawthorne06
Hi, new to all this , just looking for a bit of advice ,
We have a indoor aviary with one male canary,and would like to buy his some friends. just not sure what would be best
Any ideas

Re: What to mix in my new aviary

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:38 pm
by lovezebs

Hello from Canada, and welcome to the Forum.

Male Canaries, can be quite content as an only bird.

However, if you would like to add a few more birds to your aviary, then I can tell you what species I've kept with my Canaries in the past.

I've had some Zebra Finches, but to be honest with you I would not recommend them as good Canary companions.

I've kept Society Finches with a male Canary, without any issues (other than my Canary's terrible attempts to try and mimic Society songs %-( ).

For quite a while now, I 've kept my Canaries with my Gouldian Finches without any problems.

So it can be done.

Re: What to mix in my new aviary

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:56 pm
by Sally
I agree with lovezebs, it can be done, but a lot depends on the size of the aviary. Welcome to the forum! There's lots of good reading at, where you will find many articles on finch care and species compatibility. If you put your general location in your profile, it makes it easier for members to give you advice.

Re: What to mix in my new aviary

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:36 pm
by Hawthorne06
Thanks to you both
My aviary is indoors and 6ft tall and 4ft wide.
Was thinking about 1 x pair of owls, 1 x pair of bengalese and 1 x pair of gouldian and my male canary for now.
Wanted to start with just a few,
I also have separate cage for any problems,
Will have a good look around the site plenty of reading

Re: What to mix in my new aviary

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:05 pm
by Barbara
Hawthorne06 I have my canary with my waxbills red cheeked and goldbreast they get along great eat veggies at bottom of cage together and sit close together on perches,as a matter of fact I had a older canary that would groom the goldbreast was the cutest thing.can't wait to see pictures

Re: What to mix in my new aviary

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:54 pm
by Vera
I have my male canary with four societies and two gouldians and they all get along very peacefully. My canary came from a home where he was raised with other finches so that may be why. At one point I had him in his own cage because I thought he would find the finches too busy but he didnt seem as happy so he went back and seems happier.
I've heard owls could be a bit more aggressive but I dont have any experience with that

Re: What to mix in my new aviary

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:35 am
by Alley
Are you planning to put up nests? That can sometimes change up what you put in your aviary or the amount of pairs.
I am a bit bias as I just love Gouldians and would suggest them, but I also have no canary experience.

Re: What to mix in my new aviary

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:05 am
by Stuart whiting
Hawthorne06 wrote: Hi, new to all this , just looking for a bit of advice ,
We have a indoor aviary with one male canary,and would like to buy his some friends. just not sure what would be best
Any ideas
Hi there, welcome to the forum, nice to see another uk member :-BD

Yer cock canary will be quite ok if kept on his own, however if you decide to get more birds then a couple of hen canaries of your choice would be no problem,

Whatever you do though do not put cock canaries together because at some stage especially the build up to breeding season they will continuesly keep on fighting,

As mentioned purchasing 1-2 hens will be fine :D

Be lucky