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Hand tamed owl Finch stop flying, help!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:04 am
by Gotbook
Hi, I am a newbie to this site, and also a newbie to finches. I start my out door aviary one year ago with a pair of owl Finch and 4 goudians. Last summer my owl Finches had one chick but they toss him outside their best, I tried put him back but they kept pushed him out of the nest, so I brought him in and hand feed the little guy. He is the most affectionate bird, 5 days ago I noticed that he kept flying to the wall then hop around on the floor when I let him out of his cage. I was worry he has some type of infection, so I gave him bird antibiotic, today will be day six of the medication treatment, but still he is not himself, he doesn't fly around, he would let me hold him and scratch his head, but he still can't fly, some time he has his beak open and click it , he is not puff up or sitting in his food. I even use lice and mite spay to treat him tonight. If anyone went through this before, please give me some guidance. Thanks

Re: Hand tamed owl Finch stop flying, help!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:55 am
by debbie276
Could it possibly be that he is just molting and missing some feathers needed to fly well?

Re: Hand tamed owl Finch stop flying, help!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:50 am
by lovezebs

Welcome to the Forum,

Sorry to hear that your little fellow is not himself lately.

You mentioned that he's breathing with his beak open and clicking ....

Try holding him close to your ear and listening to his breathing. Does his breathing sound normal? Or are you hearing clicking or ticking in his chest?

Re: Hand tamed owl Finch stop flying, help!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:34 pm
by Gotbook
I took him today to Magnolia Bird Farm, I think the owner and his wife used to be
Veterinarian, I told them my owl Finch " Krazy might have airsac mite, they told me to bring him in , they said he might have some thing wrong to his eye sight, they also give him free treatment of Scat, they said they did not hear any click noise from his chest, but they did the treatment anyway, they will give him another the treatment in 10 days if I bring him back. This place is awesome, they care for their birds and customer's birds, you can find so many species of birds here, I love this place, the people there are knowledgeable and really care for birds. Will update of Krazy condition. Thanks for replying to my post.

Re: Hand tamed owl Finch stop flying, help!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:43 pm
by lovezebs

Glad to hear that 'Krazy' (what a name, lol) was checked out by someone who has Finch experience.

SCATT, should be repeated at a 21 days interval (if needed).

Good luck with the little guy, and let us know hoe he's doing.