How do I know how old my society finches are

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How do I know how old my society finches are

Post by justread » Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:55 am

I've had my two society finches for a couple of months, and I know they were in the pet store for at least two months because I kept visiting them before making up my mind that I'd like to have birds, and preparing their they are at least 4 months. Is there anything else that gives clues?

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Re: How do I know how old my society finches are

Post by Madcat » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:00 pm

Hello! When I first started I did the same thing. Bought birds at a store. I asked their ages but the clerks did not know. In my own experience I couldn't tell how old they were. I'm not sure if there are any methods to determine age. But I hope you enjoy the birdies!!they are so much fun! If you find a reliable breeder in your area you may have better luck with finding out details about a bird you may purchase from them. (That's what I ended up doing. )
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Re: How do I know how old my society finches are

Post by lovezebs » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:14 pm


Once they're past the baby stage it's not so easy.

You could look at their feet and legs, if they are smooth, with whitish small nails, the odds are that they are youngish. If the skin looks more dry and rough, and the nails are long and yellowish, then they may be older.

This works better with light coloured birds. With darker ones, it's a bit more difficult, but still the skin on the legs is a pretty good indication.

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