New to Zebra finches

If you are new to the hobby and have some "newbie" questions - feel free to post them here! :0)
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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Celeris » Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:07 pm


I find my finches still get a hankering to build nests: sometimes with the bedding I use to line their cage, sometimes with their greens, sometimes with the leaves they pull off the fake plants... and usually put it all in their bath! I suppose if you notice one successfully establishing a nest/getting testy with the others, you may want to restrict access to nesting materials, but I honestly think it gives them something to do.

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by lovezebs » Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:18 pm


You already recieved some good advice from Celeris.

First of all, when you get your new boys, I would keep them in quarantine for at least a week or two (many would suggest a much longer period of time), just to make sure that they are healthy, and that you are not bringing any diseases to your current birds.

Once ready for the introductions, you could remove your 2 boys from the flight and place them temporarily with the new kids, or in a small cage next to the new birds. Change things around a bit. It doesn't have to be drastic, just a few more plants, a few more seed and water cups, etc. Maybe move the perches a bit. Make sure that there are at least three high sleeping perches all at the same height. Put in some special goodies around the flight, spray millet, some greens at different corners, maybe some yummy hard boiled eggs.

Once everything is ready, put all the kids in at once, so that no one will have a chance to claim royal rights to anything in the flight.

Some people find the net easier than catching by hand (especially in larger flights). Personally, I have found it just as easy to reach in and grab them, before they even know what's going on. It is somewhat easier in a darkened room (as was already mentioned above). Pretend you're a cat on the hunt, lol, and strike very quickly and decisively.

Once you have all of them in there, let them get settled, while keeping a discrete eye on the goings on, just to make sure all is well. Initially, everyone should be a bit overwhelmed and uncertain of how to act or what to do.

It's once this period is over, that you'll have to watch a bit more carefully. It's now that you will start seeing the plays for power and dominance. Will there be squabbles? Most definitely. Will there be fights? More than likely? Will there be a lot of chasing and yelling and screaming? Yes.

However, unless they become really physically violent with each other (lots of feather pulling, CSI blood splatters on the walls (hope to god not), I would let them figure it out for themselves.

They need to discover who the top Zeb will be, and who the subordinates are. There is a definite 'pecking' order between these birds, and they need to figure it out amongst themselves.

Are you planning on getting different mutations (so that you can tell them apart)?
Might be fun to have three pairs, each a different colour.

Anyway, good luck and enjoy.

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Catherine » Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:11 pm

I'm new to zebra finches too, so I can't really help on the advice front, but I wanted to say welcome, fellow Canuck! Good job for rescuing the poor baby from the cold Canadian weather.

I have two males and they got along fine... until they didn't (thankfully they weren't injuring each other, but one seemed to be stressed). I ended up separating them to be safe because I don't have the right cages for additional pairs. Good luck if you decide to get some new friends for yours!

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