How do I safely let out my finches?

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How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by soaring-yonder » Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:08 pm

I keep my two zebra finches in my bedroom, and I know you're supposed to let them out regularly but I did one time and it was a disaster. They flew behind furniture and into cabinets. There's nowhere in the house that it'd be safe to let them out, I really don't know what to do as I know they need exercise.

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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by Zebrafincher » Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:58 pm

I keep my two rambunctious Zebbies in separate cages (both boys) and let them out when I get home (its in my computer/bird room). I leave the doors pegged open and they can fly in and out. Generally they will learn where their cage is and fly back in. If you need to put them away sooner, or if they are bad behaved and go up the top of the curtains and don't want to go away, you can use a net, or in my case, I turn the light off, and use the top of an old small cage to trap them in, and then put them back in their respective cages. Just be aware, they WILL poo, a lot! You'll need to place paper around, or clean up

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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by lovezebs » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:55 pm


For birds who are used to being in a cage, being thrust into the wide open spaces of a big room, can understandably make them panic.

First of all make sure you have a long handled net, the kind you get in $ store for kids to catch bug with.

I would recommend starting very slowly at first. Cover mirrors and close curtains.
Place some dowls or branches here and there for them to perch on in different areas of the room (with paper underneath them).

Open cage door very slowly and place a branch or some sort of a perch on there for them to step up on.

Then sit down somewhere quietly with a book or your tablet or what not and just relax. Don't watch them directly, but keep an eye on them non the less, just to have an idea in what direction they might be heading. No sudden moves from you, just calm and quiet

It might take them a few days to even come out of the cage, but that's ok. Let them take their own time to feel comfortable and secure in their surroundings.

With time and patience, they'll come out to investigate.

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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by wildbird » Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:42 am

What size cage do you keep them in? Not everyone lets their finches fly free in a room. If the cage is long enough, they should be able to get enough exercise there. Aviaries are nice, if you can have one. Or sometimes you can put two cages together by taking the ends off and ziptie together for a long flight cage. It makes it easier to move them from one cage to another if the cages have a removable divider.

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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by debbie276 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:36 am

I'm sure there are more that do not let their birds fly free then do. If you are uncomfortable doing so or it is too dangerous, you shouldn't feel you have to.
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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by Dave » Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:16 am

I don't use a net on a finch--that's terror-inducing. Plus, they are so quick you'll have a good chance of striking the bird with the net edge.

I let my finches fly a few times a week. Close the door to the room, close the drapes so the window is darkened (or at least not clear glass). Put a light over the bird cage, and then let them free. Stay in the room, just in case they get into mischief.

Because a bird will fly toward light, and the light is at cage, then it will fly around and then back to the cage. After a few times they'll go in and out freely and you won't need the light over the cage.

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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by Sojourner » Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:53 pm

You're NOT "supposed to" let small birds like finches out. They are not at all like parrots. They live quite well safely tucked into their cages where they are safe from electrical outlets, power cords, ceiling fans, cleaning products, windows (which they can easily mistake for open spaces), and all manner of dangers to birds that don't know any better.

As long as they have 30" of flight space - or even 2', which is not great but better IMNSHO than letting them loose in dangerous territory - there is no reason to let them "fly free" and lots of reasons not to. The biggest one for me is having to track down every spot of bird poop. You can't house train birds.

Honestly if your cage is too small get a bigger one. It is tons safer than letting them loose. Bird-proofing even just one room is not a task to be taken on lightly.

Some people do it anyway (let their tiny birds loose in the house) so if you WANT to, that's one thing. But don't do it because you think you're SUPPOSED to, because that is not a thing.
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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by Barbara » Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:39 pm

I have a bird room with 7-F030 cages,with a screen hanging in the doorway just in case they get out,but I would never leave those guys out on purpose way to small too many and like sojourner said all those poops.One of my gouldian's did get out once and she was only out for about 20 min and she pooped in spots that were so hard to reach to clean up don't know how she did it under the cages.It was my fault I didn't close the door tight and all she wanted was her mate in the cage across the room,now there together on she did get her way :D
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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by Zebrafincher » Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:34 pm

My two finches love coming in and out. Whether you let your birds out or not is up to you. But birds have wings, and they can fly! The only bird I don't let out is my very old Star finch with the formerly broken wing. He's got his cage set up with all sorts of soft perches so he can jump from place. He can't fly, but seems to be fairly happy with the set up. He preens himself, admires himself, feeds his mirror, and warbles happily all the time!

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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by zeebeez » Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:18 pm


I also have zebra finches and I have tried to let them out. I covered all the windows and just sit quietly to let them test out their new surroundings... They did fly and out but I can say they didn't really like it. It stressed them out and they had trouble finding the opening of the door. I saw the comment with putting the perch outside the door which would probably be a good idea for that. I also had the case where one of the females flew out and the partner went crazy calling for her, he didn't like that she flew out of the cage.

I tried letting them out a few times afterwards but they never really left their cage. I find them so cautious about everything.. I am not sure about other finches but my zeebras double check everything. I have been giving them a bath in their same little batch tub for over a year and they are always so reluctant to step in, it's hilarious. They constantly check the temperature and fly and back and forth trying to decide whether it's safe lol.

I just got them a big cage and I talk to them regularly so they can feel comfortable around me.. But in my case, they prefer to stay in their home.

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Re: How do I safely let out my finches?

Post by Sheather » Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:33 pm

All birds are meant to fly, even a large cage doesn't allow that. Your birds will be in better physical health and surely less bored when given time out of their cages - they can also become pretty tame then too. I have a society which will fly to and eat from my hand when out of his cage.

I have always let mine out and for two years or so, they were able to be out of their cages all the time in a special room. Otherwise I'd let them out in the house - they quickly figure out the layout and greatly enjoy being able to fly and explore such a large space and I've never actually had one strike a window, even though I never had curtains or anything to stop it. Some birds I've had have enjoyed looking outside if I set a perch in the sill for them. It takes maybe a week for a new bird to understand how to get in and out of a cage, but once they know, they don't forget. Just make sure all windows an doors are shut and the fans are off of course.

Finch droppings are small, fairly dry and easy to wipe up.


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