New to Zebra finches

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New to Zebra finches

Post by Vonkreeps » Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:59 pm

Hi everyone! I'm new to owning Zebra finches and have a few questions I'm hoping you guys can help me with. Bit of back story. I accidentally became a finch owner when one appeared in my backyard, eating the seed I feed the wild birds. Since I live in Canada, I knew I had to catch it or else it would have died once the temperature got cooler. I caught the male finch, had it in a small cage for 2 days before going out and buying him a friend (another male) and a bigger cage. The two got on famously and immediately started preening each other. I've read that you should not give them nests if you have 2 males, however I did provide them with 2 nests and the two would sleep together in one (so cute).

On to my questions. I decided to upgrade their cage to something even bigger so they would have a lot of flying room (31-Inch long, 20-1/2-inch wide, 40-inch high), I added a third nest just in case so they would not have to fight over one. They lived happily in this cage for about 3 weeks building all three nests with the straw, paper and cotton I gave them, preening and sleeping together until one day, the bird I caught in the backyard became aggressive and now chases the other one around. There is some beak fencing but no feather pulling, and no one is getting injured. One is simply chasing the other one around. Sometimes the other one will chase the one that is usually the aggressor. I've removed all the nests for a week, rearranged the entire cage (in case they had become territorial). They still fought. I put the nests back in. They fought, and slept in separate nests. I once again removed the nests. Annnd because I felt sorry for them I eventually put the nests back in. Now they still chase each other around but are back to sleeping in the same nest, and ignore the other 2 nests entirely. I am not sure what to do at this point. I've considered several times separating them however the chasing/fighting isn't constant. They will sit beside each other and preen themselves. I've also added clothespins to some of their perches to give them their own space. I just don't want them to be stressed out. Some people have advised me to add more male finches, but I don't want to add more if the aggressive finch is going to chase after all of them. I do not want females as I'm trying to avoid any breeding. Sorry for this LOOONG POST. Any advise would be very much appreciated!

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by GouldianGuy » Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:31 pm

Good on you for catching the poor Australian finch before it got overwhelmed by our Canadian winter!

How did you catch it?!

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by lovezebs » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:28 pm


As I always say, ZEBRAS WILL BE ZEBRAS, lol !

You were very right about the little Zebra not surviving our Canadian Winter, without some shelter and heat.

Regarding your two boys:
Because the nests were introduced into the cage, one and then the other have become hormonal, which leads to aggression. Then again, Zebras don't really need an excuse to go a little crazy :D . I love them, but really many of them tend to be a little nutty.

With the size of your flight cage, you could very easily introduce another two or better yet, four boys (if you wanted to). With a larger group, they have more to occupy their time. More feathered people to see, more places to be, more things to do....well you get the picture. Just make sure, that it's an even number, don't want to have the odd man out.

I would also put in more fake vines and flowers, etc. to give them something to keep busy with. Honestly, they really don't need nests, and nests will only trigger breeding behaviour which translates into aggression. Try some swings instead., as most Finches do really enjoy them (regular swings, ladder swings, etc).

Make certain there are more feeding and water stations around the cage, so that they don't have to compete for food and water.

Good luck, and let us know how things are going.

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Vonkreeps » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:06 pm

GouldianGuy Since he was hopping around the ground eating the seed, I used the old box propped up with a stick with a string attached to it, with me on the other end of the string. :D

He hopped under the box to eat the goodies I had left and YOINK, I pulled the string, box fell and I caught him!

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Vonkreeps » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:15 pm

lovezebs Thank you so much for your reply! I've been toying with the idea of getting 4 more. Can I simply introduce them into the cage without the two original ones getting upset or do they need to be introduced slowly? I will definitely remove the nests. I have grasses and a straw ball in the cage with one swing. I guess I don't really need the straw ball anymore if they will no longer have nests. I'll add another swing for them. I have two food and water stations right now with multiple millet seeds hanging from various areas. If I get 4 more, should I add another set of food and water? Thanks again for the reply!

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Celeris » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:40 pm


Congrats on your zebra boys!

When I put my colony of boys together, I removed the one that came with the big flight cage (his buddy died tragically) and completely rearranged the cage, so he didn't retain any "territory." Then everyone went in at once. And then I proceeded to watch the cage anxiously for days to be sure everyone was getting along.

I would definitely pull your current guys out, rearrange everything, pull the nests, and add at least two of everything, preferably across the cage from the other. (Swings, food, water, etc.) Set up that way, if one bird becomes territorial, he can't always be watching both items. Gives everyone else a fighting chance!

I think you will quite enjoy having an all-boy colony. My guys keep me very entertained! And while I do find boys will be boys and that I'm lucky if there's only one squabble a day, they really do get along. I enjoy watching them snuggle and preen just as much as I like to watch them bounce about and sing their songs.

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Vonkreeps » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:47 pm

Celeris Thanks for replying! I was wondering if I would have to remove the two old ones first and was hoping I wouldn't have to :| . I'm not sure how to catch them in this big cage?? How did you catch yours? I guess rearranging everything then adding the new 4 wouldn't do the trick?

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Celeris » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:15 pm


I suspect that, even if you rearrange with the birds in the cage and immediately add the newcomers, you'll still have territory issues with your current zebras. Now, you are adding more birds than you have currently, so maybe that ratio will keep your current residents from being able to bully the new birds? However, the way I tend to view things is that, if leaving your current boys doesn't work out, you're then going to be attempting to catch six birds, rearranging yet again, and then trying a second time. To me, following an established procedure is a bit more "efficient." But perhaps someone else here (@lovezebs ?) has more experience with situations akin to this one than I do and can lend more specific advice.

For catching all of my boys, I brought each cage into a relatively small room (my big one is on wheels) during the day, closed the curtains and turned off the lights. This made it dim enough that I had the advantage over the birds. I removed all perches from each cage and proceeded to catch them by hand. Being in an enclosed room made it so that the couple that got past me merely got out into the room (where it honestly was easier for me to get them because they were a bit dazed by all the extra room! Haha!) Lots of people swear by butterfly nets for catching birds in bigger spaces--or any other net that is deep enough to catch and hold the bird. I'm thinking, with your big cage, that could help you tremendously.

I can't say I look forward to occasions where I have to catch my boys, but I do think it pays to get comfortable with catching and handling them. Preparation in case one gets hurt or sick.

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Vonkreeps » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:21 pm

Celeris I have a butterfly net! One more question, do I have to remove them from the cage for a period of time before adding them back? Or simply removing them, rearranging, adding new birds then re-adding old birds will do the trick? SORRY FOR ALL THESE QUESTIONS! I've had many birds in my life but never zebras and they are finicky little things! I do love them though and just want them to be happy.

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Celeris » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:27 pm


I literally removed my guys, rearranged, then added them right back in. I think the brief time away is enough to dissociate them from the cage, making it seem like a brand new place when you put them back in!

I also added mine from those I felt were most docile/likely to get picked on to the pushier birds? I've not read this anywhere, but it seemed to me that giving the least dominant a leg-up would help, even when it's only a couple seconds. Transition was successful, so maybe it worked!

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Sally » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:33 pm

Vonkreeps Kudos to you for saving that little Zebra finch, he would have frozen in your winter! You've already gotten a lot of good advice, but I wanted to welcome you to the forum! There's lots of good reading at www.finchinfo, with many articles on finch keeping and how to introduce new members to your family, if you decide to do that. If you put your general location in your profile, it will make it easier for members to direct you where to buy supplies, etc. later on.
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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Vonkreeps » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:38 pm

Sally thanks! I will read up on finchinfo and add my location :)

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Vonkreeps » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:40 pm

Celeris good to know thanks! I was a bit sad thinking that my two current ones would have to be in a smaller cage for a period of time. Thanks again for all your help! I'll update when everything settles down with the new additions.

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Celeris » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:43 pm


Glad to help! I can't wait to hear how everything goes! I know we'd all love to see pictures of your boys and their set up if you get the urge to snap a couple!

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Re: New to Zebra finches

Post by Vonkreeps » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:58 pm

Celeris I will definitely take pictures!! I have ONE MORE QUESTION LOL! If remove the nests, should I also remove the grasses, paper and straw I have for them (while adding fake flowers and vines)? I ask because when I did remove the nests to see if that would help with the fighting, one of the finches tried to build a nest on a perch with the grasses and paper. I think that is all the questions I have now..phew!

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