Any particular reason my zebras shout at me?

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Any particular reason my zebras shout at me?

Post by soaring-yonder » Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:23 pm

Sometimes they just look at me and start tweeting really loud, is there any reason why they would do this? Are they unhappy??

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Re: Any particular reason my zebras shout at me?

Post by Zebrafincher » Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:50 pm

Your Zebbies aren't unhappy - they are just fairly vocal and gregarious birds! Mine often talk to me - as does my star finch! I sit there and type on the computer and they will be babbling away.

If they make alarm calls, you might have frightened them, or moved quickly or suddenly. Generally they should get used to you with time. I can get within a head's breath of my birds and they''re generally OK with it. Remember they are fairly small birds and you'll seem a giant to them. Good luck!


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Re: Any particular reason my zebras shout at me?

Post by lovezebs » Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:42 am


Zebras, are forever meeping and beeping.

I am sitting in my kitchen right now, and can hear them meeping and squawking in the bird room whicn is all the way at the end of a hallway. They are simpky not quiet birds, lol.

Whenever I go into the bird room, someone always gives an alarm call, andveveryone heads up into the highest perches in the flights in great panic. However, after I've been in there for a minute or two everyone settles down to whatever they were doing.

If your birds are in a small cage, they will panic, seeing as they have no where to escape too.

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Re: Any particular reason my zebras shout at me?

Post by Sojourner » Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:55 pm

Zebras are the parakeets of the finch world. There may be other equally loud, or maybe even louder, finches - but I've never run across them.

Admittedly parakeets are still louder and squawkier - but being noisy is just a zebra characteristic.

So - nothing is wrong. Its sort of like kids - its when they get quiet that you need to start worrying.
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Re: Any particular reason my zebras shout at me?

Post by Zebrafincher » Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:35 pm

Zebras are popular because they are noisy, gregarious, and like to talk to people. You will hear them honking all the time! They will talk to you, the radio, other birds etc.

Great birds!


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