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New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:12 am
by Nicole R.

I am receiving my first shipment of 4 birds this week. How do I safely move them from the shipping container to the cage, and spray them with AIL in the process? All tips for actually moving new birds into the cage welcome. The cage setup itself is ready to go. I have electrolytes for the water, fake greenery, multiple water sources, insect feed and river shrimp for those who like live food, egg food, calcium sources, etc. Just worried about opening the box and having all the birds burst out and scrambling to get them into their safe new house (cage).

Thank you,

Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:21 am
by lem2bert
Nicole R.

I have never had birds shipped, but when I purchase them I put the box inside the cage and open it. If you are able to do that then you can catch them individually and do what you need to do to each bird. If they come in individual boxes you many be able to catch the bird before it comes out. Good luck ! Exciting news and you must be very excited for them to arrive. :) . Cannot wait to see pictures.

Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:46 pm
by lovezebs
Nicole R.

First of all, make sure that you are in a room where you can close doors and windows (to avoid crazy chases all over the house, like some people I know, lol :wink: ). Close curtains. Partially cover your cage with a sheet to offer a sense of security once your birds do go into your cage.

Have a long handled net at hand.

Take a deep breath...,
Reach inside the box and wrap your hand around your bird lightly but securely. Pull bird out slowly, and examine under a light to make sure that it's in good shape. Band the bird now, if you wish to, or do whatever you need to do.

Once you're done, release bird into the waiting cage.
Close cage door, take a deep breath, and reach for the next bird.

Good luck.

Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:45 pm
by Sally
A lot depends on the shipping container, most are too large to place inside a cage. You've gotten some good tips already, but I would add that you can cover the shipping container with a sheet, so if any birds do get loose from the container, they are still confined under the sheet.

Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:00 pm
by Barbara
Nicole R. I also never had birds shipped,so I really have no advice but to share in your excitment,I love geting packages in the mail,birds" wow "when they settle down post plenty of pictures

Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:33 pm
by Babs _Owner
Nicole R.

Enjoy the new additions! Post pics!

Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:37 pm
by Nicole R.
Betty - I think the box is too big to go inside the cage. I will definitely post photos! Thank you.

Elana - Unfortunately, I didn't get a net and it's too late to order one now. The one thing we have going for us is that we don't have a basement :wink: Applying SCATT with the bird in hand makes sense, but what about misting it with the Avian Insect Liquidator spray? Is that when you do that part, too? I don't want to be chasing my babies around the cage with a mister bottle and scare them all into having heart attacks or breaking their bodies against the cage as they flop and flail around.

Sally - the sheet idea is brilliant.

I will let you all know how it goes. . .


Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:38 pm
by Nicole R.
Thanks Babs, I will! You're in Virginia too, right?


Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:06 pm
by Sojourner
Ah, how clearly I remember - trying to move Bambi from his pet shop box to the cage and finally catching him on the bottom shelf of some shelves by draping a silk blouse over him ... Those were the days!

Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:10 am
by GouldieFledge
Nicole R.

any updates on the 4 birds en route? did your "unpacking" go smoothly?

Re: New birds arriving - logistics

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:01 am
by Babs _Owner
Nicole R.

Yes I am in Virginia! Sorry I missed your post. I'm in the souther region of the state. I hope you and your new birds are doing well!.