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Returned to the hobby

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:10 pm
by kcfd55
Hello, All:

I have kept finches for many years off and on, but mostly off until recently. I currently have a single Gouldian and 9 Zebras (started out as 4).

I wish that I had discovered your forum before purchasing the zebras as they reproduce like guppies. I am in the finishing stages of building a 23' long, 10' wide, and 8' tall aviary that I had intended populating with the zebras and other species. I have changed my mind about the zebras after reading many posts on the subject here. I am thinking now that I would like to house owls and perhaps parrot finches along with more gouldians.

The aviary is inside a large atrium that keeps the humidity at around 70% and the temps between 55-85 throughout the year. I will see about posting pictures when I can figure out how. Sunlight will hit this aviary for about 6-7 hours per day, depending on the time of year.

I appreciate all of the information I've already gained from my time lurking here. I can see that this will be a life-long journey.



Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:18 pm
by wilkifam
Good choices, just know that Parrot finches and Gouldians can hybridize. so can Owls and Zebras.

Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 8:43 pm
by Babs _Owner

Welcome back to the insanity and the beauty! =D> Looking forward to aviary pictures in the future!

Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:15 pm
by kcfd55
Good choices, just know that Parrot finches and Gouldians can hybridize. so can Owls and Zebras.
I had heard that about the parrots and Gouldians, though I could not find information here. Is that more likely with one species of parrot than another? Seems to me I read that about the red faced parrot.

I had not heard about the owls and zebras, but I do not intend placing zebras in the aviary. I don't want 100 zebras in there. :-Q ''

Are there any other species you'd suggest I look into? The only other birds I know I want in there are some button quail.



Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:18 pm
by kcfd55
Welcome back to the insanity and the beauty! =D> Looking forward to aviary pictures in the future!
Thanks. On the good side is that no one in my family can call me insane about this episode...the first donation to my aviary came in the form of money on my birthday to start this thing :D .

I did see another post describing how to upload pictures. I will give that a try when the aviary is finished, hopefully in a couple of weeks.

Thanks again,


Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:07 pm
by lovezebs

Hi Mike, and welcome to the Forum,

This is a great place to learn, and to teach, and just to have fun :D .

Yes, Zebras do have a tendency to want to populate the world with more of their kind :roll: , lol.

The set up which you are describing sounds awesome, and I'm really looking forward to pictures as work progresses.

Regarding Gouldians and Parrot Finches...
Yes, they can hybridize as was mentioned above, and not just the Red Throats. The same goes for different species of Parrot Finches as well, who can interbreed. Picking out one species of PF's that you like the best, could be an answer, and if they have enough females of their own kind, hopefully they would leave the Gouldians alone.

Regarding other species to place in a community aviary.
If I were you, I would look up Stars, Orange Cheeks, Cordon Bleus, African Fires, Strawberries, Javas, Goldbreasts, Lavenders, and possibly even Diamond Sparrows (although they can get a little pushy sometimes). I would also suggest at least one male Canary for the song.

Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:29 pm
by isobea
kcfd55 - Hi Mike, welcome to the forum from me as well.
I was just trying to make a mental list of possible 'inmates' for your new aviary, when I saw Elana's. It has all my favorite species on it (including the Java rice finches which we can't legally have here in CA).
I also can't wait to see pictures of your aviary. It sounds awesome! Will you have a way of subdividing it for when you have to catch some birds (in case they are sick, need nails trimmed or you want to/need to sell some)? Will you have live plants in it? Open ground or concrete floor? So many questions. Keep us updated.

Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:07 pm
by kcfd55
If I were you, I would look up Stars, Orange Cheeks, Cordon Bleus, African Fires, Strawberries, Javas, Goldbreasts, Lavenders, and possibly even Diamond Sparrows (although they can get a little pushy sometimes). I would also suggest at least one male Canary for the song.
Elana: "Great minds think alike" :D . I had thought of the canary myself. Their song always brings a smile to my face.

I do want the Cordon Bleus, lavenders, and strawberries once I feel that I can feed them properly. I understand that they need more live food than some other finches. I will be researching them here.
I was just trying to make a mental list of possible 'inmates' for your new aviary, when I saw Elana's. It has all my favorite species on it (including the Java rice finches which we can't legally have here in CA).
Iso: I didn't know about the Java rice finch being illegal in California. Is there a place to find out about more such issues? California is so restrictive about so many things that I would not be surprised about finding other banned birds.
I also can't wait to see pictures of your aviary. It sounds awesome! Will you have a way of subdividing it for when you have to catch some birds (in case they are sick, need nails trimmed or you want to/need to sell some)? Will you have live plants in it? Open ground or concrete floor? So many questions. Keep us updated.
I haven't thought of a way to subdivide the aviary. It is an open floor plan with a dirt floor, a small pond, and a fairly large Ilang-Ilang tree inside poking out the top of the aviary (it's about 9 feet wide and 12 feet tall). The pond is surrounded by large lava rock and other rocks, and I'm hoping that this will aid in keeping the nails trimmed.

Other plants I've planned for is a small bamboo (a clumper), and two hibiscus. I also will plant a red mandevilla vine on one end.

Any suggestions about this aviary is VERY much appreciated.

Oh, and thanks to both of you for the welcome. This seems like a pleasant place to play.


Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:38 pm
by isobea
kcfd55 - Mike, just a quick response: when I was referring to 'Elana's list', I meant the one Elana (lovezebs) posted up above. I also have an only (by now elderly) male canary for song. I would also add a pair of European goldfinches. They are beautiful, easy to keep and sing a lot. BUT they need a different seed mix: lots of oily seeds, sometimes sold as 'canary song mix', very dark in color compared to the regular finch mix due to the high percentage of niger seed. I just offer it in a separate bowl and everybody is happy.
Something to be aware of: strawberries, lavenders, gold breasts, fires, cordon bleus, shaft tails etc. do need tons of live food for breeding! If there isn't enough available during the first week after the chicks have hatched, the parents might toss them. Plenty of egg food enriched with crumbled dried blood worms might help. I've also just recently bought 'Quiko Goldy egg food' (for insectivores) which I add into my egg food and everybody loves it.
As for the plants: I believe mandevilla is poisonous. Double check on that. I have some nasturtiums growing (in pots because my aviary has a concrete floor). Nasturtiums attract aphids which my birds love.
Will try to think of good plants for you to plant when I'm not so rushed.

Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:51 pm
by isobea
kcfd55 - Forgot to mention black-crowned waxbills which are just adorable (when available). a few years ago I got two pairs out of an import station but they were in such bad shape that eventually I lost them one by one.

Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:25 pm
by kcfd55
isobea wrote: Forgot to mention black-crowned waxbills which are just adorable (when available). a few years ago I got two pairs out of an import station but they were in such bad shape that eventually I lost them one by one.
Iso: I hope that it is OK to ask on this thread: what is your source for birds?

Leaving to research the black-crowned waxbills. I think I'm going to need another aviary :roll: .


Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:30 pm
by Sheather
A canary will destroy any plants in short order, especially hibiscus which they love to eat, so I would avoid one if you want live plants to do well.

Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:36 pm
by kcfd55
I believe mandevilla is poisonous.
Iso: I checked, and you are right. I keep finding reasons for liking this place.

Nasturtiums are an option, though they can get out of control (at least in my garden). And the hibiscus attract enough aphids, thank-you-very-much :lol: .

Thank you for continuing to think of plants for this aviary. The floor-space is 230 sq ft, so there is some room to play.


Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:38 pm
by kcfd55
A canary will destroy any plants in short order, especially hibiscus which they love to eat, so I would avoid one if you want live plants to do well.
I didn't know that canaries could be so destructive. Perhaps I could sequester one to the cage that will be emptied when the aviary is done.



Re: Returned to the hobby

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:40 pm
by isobea
kcfd55 - I sent you a private message (PM). Check at the very top of this website.