My new Gouldian Finch cage

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My new Gouldian Finch cage

Post by TCLA3451 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:43 pm

Hello, I just recently took two Gouldians into my home and am already in love. I have a male and female pair (Darwin and Joni). They have been in their new cage for almost a week now. I've attached a picture of the cage I built for them (42x36x18) and both seem happy and healthy. They both fly around and have been eating and drinking well and seem adjusted. A few questions as a newbie Gouldian parent.
1. Any tips on getting them to eat fresh veggies I put them out but the don't really eat them. I also supplement their seed with kelp and a bit of sunny yellow egg food fyi.
2. I put the bathing dish on the bottom and neither seem interested in it, Darwin drinks from it but thats it. Joni's never tried it out. Is there anything that would encourage them to take a dip?
3. Neither seems overly stressed in the first week home. Joni (the female) only flies in circles at the top of the cage when flying, besides when she fly's down to get water and food. She also pretty much only stays on a very specific perch (top left) and never leaves besides for food and water and to fly in a circle. She also is a bit nippy towards Darwin sometimes. He doesn't seem to mind, and they get along and sleep together every night regardless. Are these normal behaviors? She seems healthy but just noticed these things.
4. Any cage/care tips would be appreciated.


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Re: My new Gouldian Finch cage

Post by paul-inAZ » Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:08 pm

Nice job on the cage. They will enjoy the spaciousness.
I can't figure out what provision you have made for cleaning the cage -changing the paper etc. Is there an access door or do you lift the whole cage up?

1. Mine are not very interested in veg. They do just fine though.
2. I gave up on the bath dishes. They seldom used them. I suppose that given time yours may figure it out. There is the problem of them using a bath dish both for drinking and as a toilet. Keep them clean.
3. The flying loops seems to be their way of exercising or simply enjoying all that space. Good for them. She may be the exercise jock in the family.

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Re: My new Gouldian Finch cage

Post by Icearstorm » Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:34 pm



Mine aren't terribly keen on vegetables, though they will occasionally eat broccoli or lettuce. They also eat Quiko Classic dry eggfood and fresh egg in addition to their finch seed mix.

My gouldians didn't bathe for around a year after I got them. The one dish they did bathe in was elevated about a foot from the ground, so perhaps they felt more comfortable. You could try misting them with a spray bottle by spraying it over their heads and letting it fall on them like rain; they might not like it at first, but should get used to it eventually.

My birds fly around the top of the cage for several minutes each morning, so her behavior seems fairly normal. Are the perches different thicknesses? My female gouldian and pair of Java finches prefer the thicker ones, while my other birds don't seem to care either way. Adding several more perches on other side of cage at around the same height as the other perches may reduce the female's perch favoritism.

My gouldians are fairly bad-tempered and occasionally hiss and peck at each other; so long as yours aren't hurting each other, they should be fine.

I transitioned my birds to a hopper feeder for seed and gravity feeders for dry eggfood, ground oyster shell, and water. I can add more seed to the hopper feeder than a cup feeder and protect the food from poop. Some birds take a while to figure out how use new feeders, so if you try to use different feeders for your birds, keep the cup feeders in until you see the birds using the new feeders.

As for cage cleaning, it is fairly easy to remove dry droppings from hardware cloth using a stiff-bristled brush (a toothbrush can do the job). Sand is also easy to sift, though it doesn't look like your flight is suited for that substrate.
My cage setup<br /><br />Bottom left: water; I modified a hummingbird feeder so they can drink from it and bathe in it.<br /><br />Middle center: Gravity feeders for ground oyster shell and dry eggfood (took the eggfood out for winter)<br /><br />Middle right: Hopper feeder for seed, holds a couple weeks' worth<br /><br />They use most of the cage, though my gouldians are quite lazy and usually sit on the dowel perch on the right.
My cage setup

Bottom left: water; I modified a hummingbird feeder so they can drink from it and bathe in it.

Middle center: Gravity feeders for ground oyster shell and dry eggfood (took the eggfood out for winter)

Middle right: Hopper feeder for seed, holds a couple weeks' worth

They use most of the cage, though my gouldians are quite lazy and usually sit on the dowel perch on the right.

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Re: My new Gouldian Finch cage

Post by Babs _Owner » Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:51 am


Looks great! Welcome to the forum! =D> My finches wont take baths at the bottom of the flights. I think it makes them feel vulnerable.

I also use bath dishes they can see through so they can judge the depth of the water and feel safe diving in.

Hope that helps. I use these. My gouldians use them without a problem. I place about the middle of the flight in height. (PS your female looks like shes in breeding mode....beak is black)
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Re: My new Gouldian Finch cage

Post by lovezebs » Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:50 pm


Hello and welcome to the Forum from Canada. I think you will find that there are quite a few Gouldian parents over here, along with many bird lovers of every kind.

You did a wonderful job with your flight cage. I'm also curious how you get in there to clean.

As Babs mentioned, your girl is in breeding mode, which could be why she's being a little cranky, seeing as she doesn't have a nest :wink: .

Regarding your birdies sticking to the top of the cage...
I noticed that there are no other perches except at the top. If you put in some more perches ( some natural branches would do nicely) at the sides of the cages and going downward, you will see them using the whole cage. I would also offer them a swing, they will love it.

Regarding the fresh foods...
I wouldn't give up on it. Try hanging a freshly washed spinach leaf from the side of the flight close to where they like to sit. I would also offer them some fresh egg food, mashed or grated hard boiled egg.

Mine bathe every day, so it just takes one of them giving it a try.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We would love to hear what got you interested in birds in general and Gouldians in particular.

Here are just some of my Gouldian kids for you to enjoy.
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Re: My new Gouldian Finch cage

Post by TCLA3451 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:35 pm

Thanks for all of the responses and warm welcome. It makes me feel more at ease. Me and my partner have been so happy having them in the house, they are a real treat.

In terms of her being in breeding mode, were not ready to have babies (just yet) but is there something I need to provide for her during this time?

The right side of the cage is a door that opens, which I am currently trying to make a smaller door (within the door) since the male has already flown out of his cage once when cleaning.

I have a tray at the bottom with a layer of newspaper and a layer of hardware cloth which has been easy enough to clean as of yet.

Thanks for all the tips they are much appreciated.

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Re: My new Gouldian Finch cage

Post by lovezebs » Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:33 pm


When in breeding mode your Gouldian girl can get a bit grouchy (as you have already seen). If you don't want to breed at this point, cut down on the high protein foods, such as hard boiled eggs, egg food, etc to once or twice a week, which will help get her out of breeding mode.

Don't be surprised though if you find an egg here or there in the flight. Offer crushed egg shells, cuttle bone, and oyster shell grit, to help her maintain her Calcium levels.

Good luck with adding a small door to the flight.
To cut back on escapes, hang a sheet or something similar over that end of the flight when you're working in there and have the big door open.

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