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Help with constant fighting between a pair

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:32 pm
by bgfinch
Hello fellow finch parents, last summer (2018) I found this male zebra finch in my backyard(I live in Canada) almost dead from malnutrition and exhaustion so I took it and nurture it back to 100%. After a month and reading on zebras I decided to get him a female friend. They coupled right away and became best of buddies. Now they are on their 2nd clutch of babies, from 4 eggs , 1 was infertile and 1 chick died all of a sudden on day 5. They are 2 chicks left in the nest and its day 20. The chicks went out once and explored a bit the cage and went back in no problem.

So here is the problem, the parent are fighting NONSTOP pretty much. Beak to beak fighting all over the place. But no puking feather or anything more dramatic. It looks like the male wants the babies in the nest and the female wants them out, and this is making them both irritated at each other and they are both having a go at it and neither is stepping back.

I know that finches are temperamental but this looks crazy. At the end of the day right before bed time the male will go and do the little kisses to the female and rub her neck and head and they will happily go all in the nest and sleep.

Is this something I should worry about or just let it run it's course?

Cage is 30x20x20 and they have a steady diet of seeds, lot of green veggies and eggs and shells.

I appreciate your advice !

Re: Help with constant fighting between a pair

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:55 am
by bgfinch
Well I answered my own question I guess.

They were fighting for who to guard and who to feed fledglings till they are ready to leave.

Female guards and male feeds now.