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Species comparability query

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:41 am
by Crazyjoe
Hi all,

I'm a mammal keeper who has recently taken over a collection with some large aviaries, 3.5m high by 5m wide by about 7m long outdoors with the indoors about one third of that. I have an aviary with a pair of Buffons turaco. I have seen violations turaco housed with zebra finches before but I would like to add a same sex pair of African rock pigeons along with a pair each of African silver bills, common waxbills, orange cheeked waxbills to crest a mixed African aviary.

Would this combo work? From what I have read they are all passive.


Re: Species comparability query

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:43 am
by delray
Welcome to the forum. ! On the finch info link on your left you can get lots of information and a compatibility chart for some of the birds you would like to keep! Can't wait for some pictures of it!!

Re: Species comparability query

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:07 am
by Sally
I don't know a lot about softbills, but maybe someone else on here will be able to help you. That is a HUGE aviary, so there would be plenty of room for each species to be able to establish its own territory, especially if you have lots of plants in there. There would be no problem with the finch species you have selected.

Welcome to the forum! There's lots of good reading at the Finch Information Center, linked at left, where there is a compatibility chart for the finches. If you put your general location in your profile, it helps when answering locale-specific questions later on.

Re: Species comparability query

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:15 pm
by Crazyjoe
Thanks for the positive comments, we are a small private but professional collection. I need to bump up the foliage in the aviaries, budgets and spending it on plants is a hard sell unfortunately to those who hold the purse strings. Im happy you think the combo would work. I would have loved some African starlings but I think they would be too aggressive and some of the Australasian finches are stunning but I am set on a mixed African as out other aviaries are all single species other than a mixed budgie, cockatiel and rosella.

Re: Species comparability query

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:58 pm
by Colt
I think most of the African finches and waxbills would do well in the flight. Not sure how large the Buffon's are but be sure the finches aren't terrified of them. If they are very timid at first I wouldn't be too worried but might become concerned if they stay that way. I'd offer multiple feeding stations, possibly very near some dense plantings at first so the finches can venture out and feel comfortable eating without being in the open. As they learn the Turaco aren't going to eat them alive they should be more at ease.

You've certainly got the space for all the species. And with that much room you might try the Starlings if you have a back up plan. They are gorgeous birds.

The Silver-bills will probably breed a lot. You might think about other African species, like Quail finches, any of the three Cordon Blue's, Gold-breasted Waxbills, Purple Grenadiers, or Violet-eared Waxbills. Most of these species are harder to breed, need champions in aviculture, and would probably breed quite prolifically in a set-up like yours.

Re: Species comparability query

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:24 am
by saulosirds

If you have access to Quailfinches and Violet Ears, I'll have money to you tomorrow to buy 10 pairs of each.


Re: Species comparability query

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:17 am
by Colt
Haha I wish I did. They are gorgeous birds. I thought the OP might have contacts that could get them. I know they aren't readily available in the US.

Re: Species comparability query

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:00 pm
by Crazyjoe
No contacts here, mammals yes but birds only parrots. I need to get it planted. It is concrete floored so I need potted, got some 3m bamboo ordered but it needs more. What diseases should new finches be screened for before releasing them into the aviary?

Re: Species comparability query

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:16 am
by Crazyjoe
Would a diet if foreign finch mix and greens suffice for these guys?