Eye problems

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Eye problems

Post by Thalia » Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:48 pm

Hi all, I'm new here and I just got a finch from some friends of ours. He came to us not feeling very well. In the spring he got sick and his cagemate died and he ended up losing his eye. I'm not sure how, it apparently just disappeared. He got sick again this fall and they were able to nurse him back to health by putting his food and water on the floor of his cage for him, but he wasn't 100% when he came to us. He's been alternating b/w perching and sitting on the floor of his cage (which I've heard is a sign of illness), but when he is on the floor he still sings, which is confusing, I would think if he wasn't feeling well he wouldn't sing. I bought some 8in1 Vita-Sol liquid vitamins and mixed some into his seed and water according to the directions (this was yesterday). He is eating and drinking and eliminating fine, no diarrhea. But I'm concerned about his "missing" eye. The side where is was is starting to lose it's feathers and it's oozing. This morning he has seeds stuck to that side, so my b/f and I caught him up and used a damp q-tip and a pair of tweezers to remove the seeds that had glued themselves to his face :( I know a lot of you will say to take him to a vet, but I just lost my job and I would take him anyways, but the only vet that does birds in town is extremely expensive, we used to take our ferrets there, but switched to a different clinic that charged almost 1/2 the price and had a nicer atmosphere. Also when I was washing his little face it kinda looked like his eye might still be there, but glued shut. Is there anything I can do for him at home? He is playing with his toys and his breathing is fine, he is also preening, so I'm not really sure what to do about this eye thing. I hate seeing his little face like that, but the ooze is clear and he doesn't seem otherwise ill. What do you all suggest?
edited to add pics!
Alfred's good side: http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o265 ... odside.jpg
Alfred's bad side :(
http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o265 ... adside.jpg
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Post by tammieb » Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:22 pm

Hi Thalia,

I'm sorry your little Zeb is feeling poorly.

Here is a bit of info I found on the Finch Information Center (old site)...


* Closed of half-closed eye(s)
* Caking around the eye(s)
* Watery eye(s)
* Swollen eyelids & conjunctivas


The causes of irritated eyes, or "eye problems" range from things such as foreign objects on the cornea (small particles of dust, etc.) to cold drafts to too much smoking in the room (which shouldn't be done anyway, but can cause irritation to the birds). However, birds have what is called a "third eyelid" which protects their cornea from "possible disaster," so in some cases eye problems are a symptom of a more serious illness, including: bacterial infections, some respiratory infections, scaley-face mite (which forms a crusting around the eyes), and conjunctivitis. Also, in many cases simple scratches on the cornea are enough to leave the eye open to getting an infection.


If there is caking or the eye is stuck shut, try bathing the eye with a warm saline solution to loosen the caking and rinse out the eye. If this doesn't help to clear up the problem, there is a good chance that the eye irritation is being caused by an infection or that it is a symptom of an illness. If you think that it is an abrasion irritated by an infection (only one eye seems to be affected), a little antibiotic should be used. A few possible antibiotics are:

1. A maxitrol ophthalmic ointment (apply it 2-3 times daily)
2. Polysporin Antibiotic Eye/Ear Drops (active ingredients=Polymyxin B (as Sulfate) and Gramicidin applied 1 drop 2 X per day)
3. Aureomycin cream

If the eyes are both affected, there's a good chance that the eye problems are symptomatic of a different illness, so please check with your avian veterinarian.

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Post by Thalia » Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:29 pm

thanks for the info Tammie, what kind of salt should I use? Normal table salt or sea salt? I don't have any epsom salts, but I could go get some. Also I have normal Polysporin that has the active ingredients you listed plus Bacitracin Zinc, think I could use that instead?
It makes more sense for the eye to be stuck shut than to have just disappeared right? Could the eye have just regressed? It'll be amazing if I can nurse this guy back to having 2 eyes again! :shock: He also has very good balance and can fly around his cage and I heard that birds lacking an eye cannot do this, is this true?

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Post by Thalia » Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:42 pm

oh one other question, why would the feathers on the side w/o the eye not be coloured like the feathers on his good side? In the pictures I posted above you can see his cheeks are orange on the side with the healthy eye and they're grey on the other side. What would cause that?

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Post by tammieb » Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:01 pm

The saline solution mentioned is, I believe, a sterile eye solution. Like what you would get for humans. I suppose you could just make do with sterile warm water.

The bacitracin zinc should not harm your bird. I have no idea why the orange patch would be missing from one side. I hadn't noticed til you pointed it out! How long has this bird's eye been in this condition?

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Post by Thalia » Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:23 pm

oh geez, it's been like this for... well we watched him and his "brother" in April/May then they went home and a few weeks later they got sick and the one died and he lost his eye about then too.. So June/July?

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Post by tammieb » Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:32 pm

So approximately five months. Oh boy that's not good. Do you know what the other bird died from? Have you cleaned the eye yet?

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Post by Thalia » Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:43 pm

I have no idea why the other one died. I haven't cleaned his eye again yet b/c I'm trying not to stress him. Yesterday he was really quiet all day and sat mostly at the bottom of his cage after I cleaned it for him. Today he's been fluttering about his cage and singing and eating and preening, I didn't want to pester him. My b/f says that the eye really is gone b/c he remembers the bird having a "big crater" where the eye used to be. It appears that it's forming a cyst or at least fluid has built underneath it. It's so hard to decide what to do since he's getting brighter and I'm afraid of killing him with the stress of handling him daily to wash his face :( How delicate are these little guys?

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Post by tammieb » Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:50 pm

You are right to not want to stress him out as I had a CB hen die about a month ago after a nail clipping session. She was old and I think the stress did her in. BUT, your bird could also die from the infection so it is important to treat the eye, even if it is gone. Did you use the antibiotic ointment you had on hand?

I wish Crystal was available to assit you. I'll email her.

Use the talents you possess - for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except for the best. ~Henry Van Dyke~

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Post by zookeeper » Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:54 pm

Good luck.

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Post by Thalia » Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:58 pm

I guess I'll get my b/f to catch him and we'll do a major clean of his face tonight, I'll use warm water, since I forgot to grab saline sol'n. I didn't put ointment on yet, but I'll do it tonight. At least the ooze was clear and not nasty coloured, and he doesn't smell, so hopefully there's just fluid not infection (although that's not likely). I bought him a sandpaper cover for his perches, I only covered 1 perch though and I got him a little treat dish that I put some cucumber in. He ate the last bit of cucumber I gave him. He's been eating and preening a lot today, but he still looks pretty scruffy. Is it molting season for them?

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Post by Thalia » Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:36 pm

ok well the b/f boycotted my "health intervention" so I had to catch Alfred myself, which went... poorly, I turned out the lights and every time I thought I had him he'd slip out of my hands, he got out of his cage and fluttered around the room (good thing I'd had the foresight to kick out the cats!) and finally I caught him.
He was SUCH a good boy for his eye cleaning! I let him hold onto one of my fingers and I kept the rest curled lightly around him and he sat there so nicely for me! and yes he has TWO eyes :shock: the bad eye is terribly inflamed, it's actually pushed forward a bit so I wasn't sure if it was the eye or not until he opened it and looked at me! I used plain warm water and a soft rag and very gently soaked the feathers over the eye until they started to lift off it. I used a very fine pair of recurved foreceps to gently tease the feathers that were glued down off his eye (I didn't pluck them they're the feathers that sit above the eye and were stuck over top of it). I don't think I tore any skin, although his eye was oozing pinkish fluid the last time I peeked in at him, so I might have :( It took me about 1/2 an hour to do the whole process, from catching to washing and I put on a little dab of polysporin which seemed to help lube up the eye enough for him to fully open it. The eye is terribly itchy, as soon as I put him back he started rubbing it on his perch. I think he's still visual in it though! I was taking some pics (I'll post tomorrow) and he kept his bad side to me and kept bobbing his head like he was looking! Now here's my question... how often should I be cleaning his eye and ointmenting it?
Also, there was a hole almost direcly below his eye sitting diagonally beneath the crease of his bill, is that his ear? The feathers were all clumped and icky around it too, but he didn't like me soaking those, kept shaking his head and pecking at the cloth. It would make sense if it was his ear and the fluid from his eye was draining through it, although I'm surprised his nares weren't clogged with junk from his infected eye as well :?
The eye had about 4 millet/seed husks stuck in the feathers surrounding it and I did pull some yellowish gunk away from it. Hopefully now that it's open (and he's keeping it open too) the rest of it will drain away nicely. I didn't smell terribly bad, I've smelt much worse infections on other animals, but it did smell a little bit.
Should I invest in some of that broad spectrum antibiotic they sell at the pet store?
I feel SO badly for the little guy :( It's really hard not to be angry at our friends for being SO ignorant! The bad thing is, if I tell him he has that eye still they'll either A) feel really bad or B) think it regrew.... I think I'll wait and see if he survives this ordeal. What a tough little bird to have lasted THIS many MONTHS with that icky icky eye! It'll be a shame if I kill him with the stress of trying to fix it :(
woops! sorry for the novel!

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Post by Thalia » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:52 am

Here's the pics I got:
http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o265 ... G_0428.jpg
Here's a head on shot, it really shows how the swelling of the eye has changed it's position on the head :(
http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o265 ... 0426-1.jpg
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Post by tammieb » Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:50 pm

Oh the poor little guy looks absolutely miserable!

You did a good job of removing the gunk. I'd keep the area clear and allow it to drain. Try and get your hands on some Amtyl or other broad spectrum antibiotic and get him started on that right away. If you can he might make a full recovery!

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Post by kenny » Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:24 pm

the poor little mite..i do hope he makes a full recvery for his sake he does not deserve anything more to happen to him ..so lets hope the medication you get for him works...please keep us informed..there is nothing worse than getting seed in thier eyes as they actually start to germinate in the moist conditions i know i got a grass seed in my eye once and it swelled up like a balloon....all the work you have done for him he deserves to get better

good luck

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